New player Feedback
I really like the graphics, outstanding and I'm very happy
I really like the campaign BUT some maps are absolutely HUGE and I hate that but it is tolerable for now. STILL wish drowned city, utzaal, the dreadnought (dreadnought has VERY few check points, if you die its a long road back) I think the boss fights are very cool and I love the diversity in mobs throughout the game, but some mobs i think are very toxic and deal way too much damage when you do the campaign, like the guys in act 3 with 2 snakes on them that shoot poison at a very fast rate and deal too much dmg. Also one mob i hate in particular are the ones in trial of sekhemas that have such long range they just shoot from out of screen range. They are small and shoot small orbs of yellow lightning. I leveled a warrior and a monk until i was able to do tier 7 maps myself. So here is one thing that I absolutely hate and it made me drop the game until you do something about it. THE LOSS OF EXP UPON DEATH IS INFURIATING. Comebine that with the skills that can one shot you occasionally it makes the leveling experience an excessively frustrating grind. Another thing I dislike a lot are the stats that I think have no place in poe2. That is Thorns, Light Radius, Rarity Find. Thorns and Light Radius are just stats that everybody prays they dont get when crafting anything, why did you even add this i have no idea. Rarity find is just bad design, you force everybody to get as much as they can so they can get more exalt/divine drops to compete on the trade platform, and also to have bigger chances at dropping jewel orbs to expand the number of support lots. So my experience with the 3 game modes that you provide, trial of sekhemas, trial of chaos, and waystone maps. Trial of Sekhemas Trial of Sekhemas is a complete joke, It is a HUGE rng fest and the afflictions are 10x stronger than any boon you can get. Also that one particular affliction that gives you minor afflictions upon doing something. You rly consider it a MINOR affliction to reduce my evasion to 0% ? Or to reduce my movement speed by 25%? Some people in chat said it could reduce the energy shield to 0. Trial of chaos Trial of chaos is in the same boat, some trials can be a breeze, and some trials are straight hell because the afflictions are overtuned. Waystone Mapping Besides the loss of exp which is already infuriating, there is another thing that is painful to ignore and that is how BIG the zones are. There is 0 fun in back tracking to a boss you missed and now have to run 1-2 minutes on an empty map just to kill the boss and complete the map I absolutely hope EXP loss is removed, and waystone maps become smaller or AT LEAST show the boss icons on the map from the moment we start the map so we know where to go. Remove the necessity to kill a certain amount of mobs to get the bosses revealed it is completely unnecessary just ask yourself why did you even add this for? The way you designed these maps we will meet mobs inbetween running from one boss to another anyway. Also I hope you provide an icon for every other objective on the map, like breach for example. These would be quality of life changes to make the experience way better instead of wasting time with meaningless scouting Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 10:29:06 PM
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