Item and currency drops

I don’t mind if people trade but, I personally do not use trade. To me it’s just another form of pay to win. I feel like I’m being pigeon holed into having to trade, which I can’t do anyway. I’m pretty much hit a wall in map tier 5. I have found no better gear than what I have been wearing since act 1 cruel. I have blue items that could be an upgrade but I have no currency to do so and when I can try, rng crafting is so bad I always run out of the currency I did have. Need to get rid of rng crafting, it feels terrible. Have better loot drops for the love of god. Make movement speed a base stat that can be on boots. Right now I know it’s still early access so I’m just dealing with it but I would like to advance my toon and not have a “wow” drop moment every 50 hours of play. Also in trials the whole honor thing just feels bad.

Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 2:19:54 AM
I've been familiar with PoE1 for a very long time, but trading, crafting and farming is a closed topic for me : I don't see the interest in a game that you have to live in instead of real life.
That's why I play HC and HCSSF.
But yes, I would like to get better items because the progress stops and the choice is : farm or die; where I choose the second one.
That's sad.
Last edited by Fomalhaut#7507 on Dec 31, 2024, 2:27:04 AM

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