Minimap progression disappearing

Whenever I close the game or use a waypoint to travel back to home, my minimap for it resets and honestly it's getting pretty annoying. I feel forced to clear the map completely first, instead of entering a new area I encountered.

I have seen a few post here and there, but it baffles me that there has been no word on this. I get that this is no gamebreaking issue, but it is irritating/frequent enough.
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2024, 1:41:45 PM
There's a timer for resetting the location. It takes 8-15 minutes being out of the location to reset. However, when I leave the game while in the location, it won't reset when I come back, only respawns the monsters. Honestly, I don't really understand this logic (or the location reset in the first place) but it is what it is...
Layout is reset, too. At least in POE 2, but I'm pretty sure in POE 1 I had it reset as well...

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