A Simple, Reasonable Request to the Dev's for POE2

I don't know if this is even the correct forum, or if anyone would agree with me.

I'm 63 years old, and have some vision problems.

I have to try 3x harder than a lot of folks, to build muscle memory,
when i don't see very well.

I'm doing relatively ok, the ascension trials aren't too bad for the first 2 points, and I just made it to act 3.

But here's a vision thing I'd like to request.

In the final boss fight of act 2, it's required to go huddle under this
tiny 'bic lighter' in the sandstorm, or to die.

I have great difficulty seeing that tiny flicker, so I died many many times
before i came up with a partial workaround.

Now, in a lot of games, in a scenario like that, it would be more 'senior/disabled/noob friendly' and there would be a stronger force
field effect, and/or a pillar of light. In short, you couldn't miss it.

It's not very nice to die repeatedly, stumbling around in a sandstorm
looing for a tiny flickering bic lighter.

Now, by zooming in as far as I can, I can better see it, but that
comes with it's own set of problems, as I sometimes still die running
around hoping that she'll appear in the more limited zoom in screen.

I for one, vote that one should be able to see where to go,
zoomed out.

Thanks for listening.

Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 6:51:42 PM

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