Gemling Legionaire Shockwave Totems - Late Game bossing/Mapping

I. Introduction

Why Gemling for totems?:
(1) 14% quality, which is a huge damage increase to Shockwave Totems (reducing the base attack time considerably)
(2) 30% reduced mana costs is nearly a whole skill gem. level 39 attacks are expensive.
(3) You can use max rank Blasphemy/enfeeble despite stacking strength
(4) You take more advantage of the massive amount of stats you will be needing to duel wield 2h maces with +7.

The Basics: With my gear Shockwave Totem does ~60-80k sheet dps per totem with mapping supports, and ~100-140k sheet dps per totem with bossing supports. With all totems out that is over 400k dps on bosses. The primary way you scale this high is by duel wielding 2h maces with +7 weapon skill, then +3 from amulet, and +2 from gloves. That is a total of +19, making a 39 skill gem. The build also plenty tanky, especially with Ghostwrithe. I have 7k ES and 1.6k HP, 82% max on all my resistances, and 74% chaos resist. There is room for improvement and different styles with this build, but I will mainly touch on my style.

What Have I Done: I have killed a max rank breach boss, +1 arbitor, and gotten all my ascendancy. I could do more, but I am spending my time now on other builds.

II. Vods

III. Skills & Supports
This section will show what skills and supports I use and provide reasoning. Just so you know I usually go with the simplest way to play, so I am not doing anything like applying a bleed to then use blood lust on the totem.

Shockwave Totem:
Brutality/Martial Tempo/Heavy Swing: These three are your bread and butter damage increasers. They won't cost a whole lot of mana (very important) and will increase your dps a lot.

Magnified Effect/Inspiration: These are what I use for clearing in addition to the bread and butter damage increasers. More aoe scaling with aoe on tree means a 4-4.5m totem. Reduced mana lets you spam as you run through packs.

Concentrated Effect/Heft: These are what I use for bossing in addition to the bread and butter damage increasers. So I slot out Magnified Effect/Inspiration for these. You don't need large aoe as most bosses don't move much, and concentrated effect is a lot of damage. Once your mana is superb you can use Heft instead of Inspiration.

Physical Master/Overabundance: By late game I did not use these. These do increase your damage substantially but also increase your mana costs which escalate very quickly. But both of these are fine options before end game or if you can make it work. To point out why Overabundance is so bad for mana: the reduced duration on Overabundance and having to cast an extra totem requires you have insane mana regeneration to maintain your totems on bosses (and the extra totem doesn't matter for late game mapping).

Armour Breaker:
Demolisher/Break Posture: this make sure you one tap armor and also makes it easier to stun bosses.

Blind/any other debuff thing: you can apply debuffs and stuff with it if you want. But I just hit the boss once every 12 seconds so its not to a big deal.

Note: having a super high level amour breaker means it will pop the armor of anything you hit. It lasts for 12 seconds so its pretty easy to just one tap boss armor. But you don't use it for clear, no need.

Note on Mana:
While mapping you need a cheaper support set up so that you can throw around totems as you quickly run through. On bosses you just need to throw down totems when they are about to expire or if the boss moves. So your bossing support set up can be more expensive. If the boss ends up moving a lot more than expected just use mana potion charges, it will die soon enough.

Persistent Buffs:
Grim Feast: This will make you tanky as heck in maps

Blasphemy/Enfeeble: This will make bosses do ~10% less damage, and normal mobs will do even less. Use Ritualistic Curse for increased range on Blasphemy and Heightened Curse if you can spend the spirit for increased effect.

Overwhelming Presence: This build stuns very well, this makes you stun harder. Not necessary if you don't want to spend the spirit.

: These are the best persistent supports

: These are more for if you don't use a Ghostwrithe. But if you don't get Ancestral Mending on the passive tree you may want Vitality just to easily counter small poisons.

IV. Skill Tree

Early Game Tree:
Non-Ghostwrithe Mid Game:
You could easily use Ghostwrithe in the midgame going for ES nodes, but I did not.
Ghostwrite Late Game:

Note: I get a lot of gem slots because they are quite strong late game. I also make sure to get some AOE nodes since it scales with the Magnified Effect. There is a lot of other nodes you could take, and there is likely room for further optimization, but after a lot of testing my late game build feels the best to me.

Annoint Note: I get Mental Toughness since it is quite good to lower mana costs more. But you could get Icebreaker to stop freezing (or just use a charm).

V. Ascendancy

Crystalline Potential and Advanced Thurmataugy are you two first and best. You get a lot of damage from these and reduced mana costs (which is basically more damage since mana is what holds back your scaling).

Adaptive Capabilities and Enhanced Effectiveness combo lets you have a high level blasphemy and vastly more HP (which means more ES with ghost Writhe) since you will need 300 strength anyway for your weapons. Int and Dex being better is excellent as well.

VI. Desired Stats

I am not going to go in depth, but I will provide an analysis of basics. Also I posted a video of my gear above if you want to see it.

Strength: Unless you get insanely expensive weapons, you will probably need 280-300 strength. This is not all bad, since each strength is also 4 hp as gemling.

Defenses: You want to make sure your Chaos Res is at or near 75%, which is pretty easy with a corrupted Ghostwrite and Runes. I use jewels to get my max res in each to 82%, I suggest this too. You don't actually need an insane amount of ES on your gear, since most comes from Ghostwrithe, but it doesn't hurt. A little bit of armor doesn't hurt either.

Mana: Get mana on almost every piece you can get it on (higher the pool, the more base regen). Get mana regen on your rings and neck. Even with huge reductions to cost, a level 39 skill costs an arm and a leg. Each intelligence is also 4 mana as gemling so its very good too.

Life: Try to get life on almost every piece you can get it on, a bigger hp/es pool is desirable.

Damage: The primary way you scale is with +7 skill on your weapons, +3 on your amulet, and +2 on your gloves. Mana is required to keep up with this scaling. TBH the only gear I had with damage on it other than my weapons was jewels. Accuracy is nice on weapons. Added physical damage, crit, attack speed, etc. are nice but not necessary for high damage (also base crit is 5%, so that is a bad avenue). Focus on defenses/skill level/mana.

Faster start of ES/Faster ES regen: Getting these on jewels is nice, especially faster start. Its very good for bosses.

Spirit: Get 30 if you want to stun things better with overwhelming presence.

VII. Gear
I am going to be brief, I posted a video of my gear above if you want to see it:

Use two weapons with as high + to skills as you can. Before you can use giant's blood, use two one handed weapons with +4. With Giant's Blood use two handers with +7 ideally, but +6 is fine while you build currency.

+3 weapon skill ideally, but +2 works until you can afford +3. Spirit if desired. Then other important stats such as mana or resistances.

+2 weapons skill. Then other important stats like HP/Mana/strength/resistances.

Body Armor:
Use Ghostwrithe. You can get a corrupted one with better stats. This chest turns half your HP into flat ES, which is then scalable. It will take your HP of 3000+ and turn it into an ES pool of 6000+. It gives a lot of chaos res, which means you don't actually have a lower effective HP pool to chaos damage. You could raise you chaos res to 50+% without Ghostwrithe and have a higher effective health against chaos damage, but it would be expensive and at the cost of general effective health. Anyway, if you don't want to use Ghostwrithe you still want ES as a defensive layer. You can use an ES or ES/Armor chest with Life and Chaos Res + other important stats and easily still have 2k ES.

I use a lot of jewels not just for damage, but mainly for max res. I balance them out so I have equal res, but swap to more red for Arbiter.

Red Jewels : Max Fire Resistance +2 > Melee Damage/Totem Damage/physical damage > Totem Placement Speed/AOE > Damage against fully broken armor
Blue Jewels: Max Cold Res +2 > Faster Energyshield Recharge > Energy Shield > Increased Recharge Speed > Mana regeneration > Curse AOE (this increases enfeeble range)
Green Jewels: Max Lightning Res +2 > Attack Damage > % increased Accuracy Rating > Increased Damage against rare/unique enemy

HP, Mana, Resistances, Stats, etc.

HP, Resistances, 30+% movement speed, stats, etc.

VIII. Outro
There is likely plenty of room for improvement on this build, but in its current state it is very easy to farm difficult maps and clear end game bosses. I will not be updating the guide in any major way unless someone points out a problem, since I am going back to work on my league starter build (hexblast monk) which I posted here: I also may just do Hexblast on Gemling since I think it is probably better at it than Chayula Monk.

While making my guide I looked to see if other people had made some, and I found this excellent post that has in depth explanations on totems:

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think.
Last edited by Legarto#7574 on Dec 29, 2024, 10:06:44 PM
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 5:46:32 PM
Legarto#7574 wrote:
I. Introduction

Why Gemling for totems?:
(1) 14% quality, which is a huge damage increase to Shockwave Totems (reducing the base attack time considerably)
(2) 30% reduced mana costs is nearly a whole skill gem. level 39 attacks are expensive.
(3) You can use max rank Blasphemy/enfeeble despite stacking strength
(4) You take more advantage of the massive amount of stats you will be needing to duel wield 2h maces with +7.

The Basics: With my gear Shockwave Totem does ~60-80k sheet dps per totem with mapping supports, and ~100-140k sheet dps per totem with bossing supports. With all totems out that is over 400k dps on bosses. The primary way you scale this high is by duel wielding 2h maces with +7 weapon skill, then +3 from amulet, and +2 from gloves. That is a total of +19, making a 39 skill gem. The build also plenty tanky, especially with Ghostwrithe. I have 7k ES and 1.6k HP, 82% max on all my resistances, and 74% chaos resist. There is room for improvement and different styles with this build, but I will mainly touch on my style.

What Have I Done: I have killed a max rank breach boss, +1 arbitor, and gotten all my ascendancy. I could do more, but I am spending my time now on other builds.

II. Vods

III. Skills & Supports
This section will show what skills and supports I use and provide reasoning. Just so you know I usually go with the simplest way to play, so I am not doing anything like applying a bleed to then use blood lust on the totem.

Shockwave Totem:
Brutality/Martial Tempo/Heavy Swing: These three are your bread and butter damage increasers. They won't cost a whole lot of mana (very important) and will increase your dps a lot.

Magnified Effect/Inspiration: These are what I use for clearing in addition to the bread and butter damage increasers. More aoe scaling with aoe on tree means a 4-4.5m totem. Reduced mana lets you spam as you run through packs.

Concentrated Effect/Heft: These are what I use for bossing in addition to the bread and butter damage increasers. So I slot out Magnified Effect/Inspiration for these. You don't need large aoe as most bosses don't move much, and concentrated effect is a lot of damage. Once your mana is superb you can use Heft instead of Inspiration.

Physical Master/Overabundance: By late game I did not use these. These do increase your damage substantially but also increase your mana costs which escalate very quickly. But both of these are fine options before end game or if you can make it work. To point out why Overabundance is so bad for mana: the reduced duration on Overabundance and having to cast an extra totem requires you have insane mana regeneration to maintain your totems on bosses (and the extra totem doesn't matter for late game mapping).

Armour Breaker:
Demolisher/Break Posture: this make sure you one tap armor and also makes it easier to stun bosses.

Blind/any other debuff thing: you can apply debuffs and stuff with it if you want. But I just hit the boss once every 12 seconds so its not to a big deal.

Note: having a super high level amour breaker means it will pop the armor of anything you hit. It lasts for 12 seconds so its pretty easy to just one tap boss armor. But you don't use it for clear, no need.

Note on Mana:
While mapping you need a cheaper support set up so that you can throw around totems as you quickly run through. On bosses you just need to throw down totems when they are about to expire or if the boss moves. So your bossing support set up can be more expensive. If the boss ends up moving a lot more than expected just use mana potion charges, it will die soon enough.

Persistent Buffs:
Grim Feast: This will make you tanky as heck in maps

Blasphemy/Enfeeble: This will make bosses do ~10% less damage, and normal mobs will do even less. Use Ritualistic Curse for increased range on Blasphemy and Heightened Curse if you can spend the spirit for increased effect.

Overwhelming Presence: This build stuns very well, this makes you stun harder. Not necessary if you don't want to spend the spirit.

: These are the best persistent supports

: These are more for if you don't use a Ghostwrithe. But if you don't get Ancestral Mending on the passive tree you may want Vitality just to easily counter small poisons.

IV. Skill Tree

Early Game Tree:
Non-Ghostwrithe Mid Game:
You could easily use Ghostwrithe in the midgame going for ES nodes, but I did not.
Ghostwrite Late Game:

Note: I get a lot of gem slots because they are quite strong late game. I also make sure to get some AOE nodes since it scales with the Magnified Effect. There is a lot of other nodes you could take, and there is likely room for further optimization, but after a lot of testing my late game build feels the best to me.

Annoint Note: I get Mental Toughness since it is quite good to lower mana costs more. But you could get Icebreaker to stop freezing (or just use a charm).

V. Ascendancy

Crystalline Potential and Advanced Thurmataugy are you two first and best. You get a lot of damage from these and reduced mana costs (which is basically more damage since mana is what holds back your scaling).

Adaptive Capabilities and Enhanced Effectiveness combo lets you have a high level blasphemy and vastly more HP (which means more ES with ghost Writhe) since you will need 300 strength anyway for your weapons. Int and Dex being better is excellent as well.

VI. Desired Stats

I am not going to go in depth, but I will provide an analysis of basics. Also I posted a video of my gear above if you want to see it.

Strength: Unless you get insanely expensive weapons, you will probably need 280-300 strength. This is not all bad, since each strength is also 4 hp as gemling.

Defenses: You want to make sure your Chaos Res is at or near 75%, which is pretty easy with a corrupted Ghostwrite and Runes. I use jewels to get my max res in each to 82%, I suggest this too. You don't actually need an insane amount of ES on your gear, since most comes from Ghostwrithe, but it doesn't hurt. A little bit of armor doesn't hurt either.

Mana: Get mana on almost every piece you can get it on (higher the pool, the more base regen). Get mana regen on your rings and neck. Even with huge reductions to cost, a level 39 skill costs an arm and a leg. Each intelligence is also 4 mana as gemling so its very good too.

Life: Try to get life on almost every piece you can get it on, a bigger hp/es pool is desirable.

Damage: The primary way you scale is with +7 skill on your weapons, +3 on your amulet, and +2 on your gloves. Mana is required to keep up with this scaling. TBH the only gear I had with damage on it other than my weapons was jewels. Accuracy is nice on weapons. Added physical damage, crit, attack speed, etc. are nice but not necessary for high damage (also base crit is 5%, so that is a bad avenue). Focus on defenses/skill level/mana.

Faster start of ES/Faster ES regen: Getting these on jewels is nice, especially faster start. Its very good for bosses.

Spirit: Get 30 if you want to stun things better with overwhelming presence.

VII. Gear
I am going to be brief, I posted a video of my gear above if you want to see it:

Use two weapons with as high + to skills as you can. Before you can use giant's blood, use two one handed weapons with +4. With Giant's Blood use two handers with +7 ideally, but +6 is fine while you build currency.

+3 weapon skill ideally, but +2 works until you can afford +3. Spirit if desired. Then other important stats such as mana or resistances.

+2 weapons skill. Then other important stats like HP/Mana/strength/resistances.

Body Armor:
Use Ghostwrithe. You can get a corrupted one with better stats. This chest turns half your HP into flat ES, which is then scalable. It will take your HP of 3000+ and turn it into an ES pool of 6000+. It gives a lot of chaos res, which means you don't actually have a lower effective HP pool to chaos damage. You could raise you chaos res to 50+% without Ghostwrithe and have a higher effective health against chaos damage, but it would be expensive and at the cost of general effective health. Anyway, if you don't want to use Ghostwrithe you still want ES as a defensive layer. You can use an ES or ES/Armor chest with Life and Chaos Res + other important stats and easily still have 2k ES.

I use a lot of jewels not just for damage, but mainly for max res. I balance them out so I have equal res, but swap to more red for Arbiter.

Red Jewels : Max Fire Resistance +2 > Melee Damage/Totem Damage/physical damage > Totem Placement Speed/AOE > Damage against fully broken armor
Blue Jewels: Max Cold Res +2 > Faster Energyshield Recharge > Energy Shield > Increased Recharge Speed > Mana regeneration > Curse AOE (this increases enfeeble range)
Green Jewels: Max Lightning Res +2 > Attack Damage > % increased Accuracy Rating > Increased Damage against rare/unique enemy

HP, Mana, Resistances, Stats, etc.

HP, Resistances, 30+% movement speed, stats, etc.

VIII. Outro
There is likely plenty of room for improvement on this build, but in its current state it is very easy to farm difficult maps and clear end game bosses. I will not be updating the guide in any major way unless someone points out a problem, since I am going back to work on my league starter build (hexblast monk) which I posted here: I also may just do Hexblast on Gemling since I think it is probably better at it than Chayula Monk.

While making my guide I looked to see if other people had made some, and I found this excellent post that has in depth explanations on totems:

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think.

just finished a Titan totem build which works perfectly and want now to try ES version.

i have all + melee skill (my totem is lvl 39) and i think i can manage to build your version with almost same gear besides of ghostwrithe

but i miss important information, maybe you can post not only the tree but your own full gear setup please? this would be great!
Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 5, 2025, 4:36:34 PM
what i mean exactly is that a plus7 two hand mace with requirement of 100 str costs now like 10 divines each (this means we start with 20 divines costs for the build), so more or less affordable is requirement 135 str (then its like 3-4 divines each), then needs either 405 str or 300 str and 81 int and 81 dex (not easy task)

maybe you were lucky and got the +7 in the time they were still cheap.
Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Jan 5, 2025, 4:35:59 PM
Also is a warbringer version here with some more information on the build.
Last edited by Pls#2816 on Jan 5, 2025, 5:26:36 PM
Pls#2816 wrote:
Also is a warbringer version here with some more information on the build.

but u are not ES which is the OP's main point

life based totem warrior is different story
check this
RushBone#0065 wrote:
Pls#2816 wrote:
Also is a warbringer version here with some more information on the build.

but u are not ES which is the OP's main point

life based totem warrior is different story
check this

is empty..
RushBone#0065 wrote:
Pls#2816 wrote:
Also is a warbringer version here with some more information on the build.

but u are not ES which is the OP's main point

life based totem warrior is different story
check this

is empty..

ah yes sry
here is a bit older version of what i am running
now i have 4k life, 1.8k mana, 90 90 90 75.
a bit low armor (like 7 or 8k) but since armor currently works bad, it's not that important imho.

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