ギルメンの発言は1番目立って欲しいのに、1番見づらいのは不便過ぎる。 チャットに関してはアイテムフィルターよろしく文字色を好きにカスタマイズできるような仕組みが欲しい。 今のPoE2のチャットのカラーは色弱者にはぜんぜん優しくない。 In particular, the character names in the guild chat are greyed out and very difficult to see! I want my guildmates' comments to stand out, but it's too inconvenient to be the most difficult to see. I would like to see a system for customising the text colour in the chat, similar to the item filter. The current PoE2 chat colours are not at all colourblind friendly. Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 5:52:48 PM