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SSF vs Trading. Which to pick?

I enjoy finding or making my own items. It gives sense or purpose if you find something sick. It's also part of progression.

On other hand dislike getting insane items by just paying bit currency for nolifers. This skips challenge of progression of itemization which is big part of any rpg game.

On other hand game is balanced around trade league and it effects loot scarcity in ssf negatively.

So which one I should play?
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2024, 9:04:34 PM
You can play tradeleague and still minimize trading or not trade at all.
I don't see the big deal.

SSF is all about "I did this".

Whatever you prefer.
Are u talking about PoE1 or PoE2?

If PoE1, start SSF and if u feel like u can't progress urself anymore u can always convert to trade league.

If PoE2, play trade league unless ur 100% sure u never want to trade, because right now u can't convert to trade league later. I'd suggest what Fapmobile said, play Trade and just don't trade until u hit a wall. Then u can decide if u wanna grind urself or buy something to overcome the wall faster.
Last edited by Sadaukar#2191 on Dec 27, 2024, 9:37:41 AM

On other hand game is balanced around trade league and it effects loot scarcity in ssf negatively.

no its not.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I would definitely recommend ssf.

In trade league you gearing is just trading not looting or crafting for the most part.

Every guide says don't use your exalts to improve your gear that dropped. You can trade your exalts for much better gear.

Takes a lot of fun out for me.

Ssf players still can do all content.
Would you rather be miserable because you never get upgrades, or be miserable because you're wasting time if you're doing anything that isn't 100% optimal in terms of currency per hour?
You can migrate from SSF to trade league at any time and lose nothing.
SSF only exists so players can say "I'm SSF look at me." Play trade, ignore SSF and SSF players and do what YOU WANT because you don't have to trade in trade, you just have the option. Don't be one of the vegans of POE.
I decided play in trade league but never do trading. Reason is because ssf doesnt allow you to party with friends for my understandin.

As what comes for trading, its cancer and I dont want to be part of it.
You can play tradeleague and still minimize trading or not trade at all.
I don't see the big deal.

SSF is all about "I did this".

Whatever you prefer.

The problem is SSF is for players who do nothing else. No job, no school, or simply they do not want to play other games at all. LE got the best implementation of trading and SSF league. PoE got the worst because all the loot system is fully built around trading.
Players mostly won't have problems during the campaign, but it is better if they do not have any other activities in real life, reaching mid-late endgame.
Last edited by yesname#5945 on Dec 28, 2024, 9:52:01 AM

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