PS5 - Bug report, trial of sekhemas, party crashes, cruel, very frustrating

A severe issue in the Sekhemas Trial (Level 2, requiring level 67+) when played in Party Mode with 3 players. This game-breaking problem has occurred consistently in three separate attempts on December 23rd, 25th, and 26th, 2024, making the trial practically impossible to complete as a team.
Reproduction Rate: 100% (3 out of 3 attempts)

Pattern of Disconnections:

First player disconnects during/entering the first room
Second player disconnects at the completion of the first floor
Only the party leader remains able to complete the trial


- Trial tokens, which take considerable time and effort to obtain, are being completely wasted
- Players cannot rejoin the trial once disconnected as the portal remains open, leaving them helpless
- The gameplay experience is completely ruined, making party play essentially pointless... and unable to obtain Ascendancy points.
- Players are losing motivation to attempt trials in groups due to these persistent crashes

Additional Context:
The most frustrating aspect is that players spend significant time forming parties, coordinating schedules, and collecting rare trial tokens (at least in our experience, very rare ones), only to have their efforts rendered worthless by these crashes.
The inability to rejoin after a disconnect adds insult to injury, as players are forced to watch their teammates continue without them.

We even tried to reduce resolution, upscaling, etc. Same issue.

Platform: PS5
Last time: yesterday (26th December)
Time: 23.15 CET Time (last time)
Gateway / Location: Frankfurt
Error messages: Crashes! to the console dashboard
Cabled connection
What model console you are using: PS5
PSN ID: Faber72
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 6:29:09 AM

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