Feedback for PoE2 after endgame, 150 hours
1. After playing PoE2, going back to PoE one feels EXTREMELY claustrophobic. Please increase the camera distance in PoE1. God.
2. We're too powerful. The deliberate, methodical, 1v1 combat experience throughout the campaign is absolutely NOWHERE to be found in the endgame. You're too fast, too powerful, all the time. t16 maps with multiple breaches are a matter of just mashing one button and seeing entire screens explode. It's POE1 with extra steps. 3. Dying and bosses disappearing from maps and then having to re-find or re-farm them again is brutally unfun. I would be OK with starting a boss from the beginning and having the 5 extra tries (1 per portal) but having to randomly generate and hope the precursor tablets and towers are cosmically aligned in the right place just to have a SINGLE shot in a game that no matter what defenses you have (except ES, which needs to be nerfed, 30k ES is silly) you can be one shot is absolutely ridiculous. 4. Running towers is extremely boring. 5. Finding citadels is extremely boring and repetitive. The progression in this game is too tied to RNG. Then read my previous point about having a single shot at something you won't be able to see in multiple tens of hours of grinding. 6. I like that ascending (specially the 4th ascension) is endgame / aspirational, but it takes WAY too long per attempt, and it's also tied to RNG. You NEED to get rid of that RNG somehow. Showing up at the last room before the 4th boss and then hitting a "You have no evasion" debuff in your 86% evasion + acrobatics character is an absolute slap in the face. Show the entire map before starting, redo the boons and debuffs, something, but for the love of god, they need to be shorter and no RNG. Same with Ultimatum: having to farm 3 of the fragments to have a single shot and then having to beat the trialmaster in a single life is insanity because you can't practice or tune your build. It's hilariously bad. If you want to keep the stakes high, at least give us a way to practice bosses. It's absolutely nonsensical that so many things can fall apart because you had a 12% chance of instanty dying if something you didn't know was going to happen or didn't know how it worked happens without you having the capability of reacting in time or were out of position. 7. Tied to the "having to cosmically align maps" bit, having to be able to find a boss tile, that is corrupted, that get irradiated, and then landing the t16 is such an unfun timesink. The "setting up the atlas" part of things is really, really grindy and boring. Towers should probably apply their bonuses to everything in range if you want to keep this mechanic. 8. The cycle of having to get so many bases to try crafting instead of having alterations is really boring because you have to get out of maps so often. I understand having a specific amount of tries you can use an alteration or something, but just having a SINGLE try in an item is so much busywork. 9. Talking about busywork: having an NPC that identifies, another one that disenchants, another entity to fill up your charms and flasks, and then another one that has the exchange is so annoying. 10. For the love of god if you're not putting up the waystone tab and the brach tab in the near future at the VERY least give us affinities. 11. Magic Find is way too profitable. Removing MF gear feels like you're gimping yourself and feels like you HAVE to have it. It does not feel good feeling like you have to have MF gear. Specially during the pre-nerf campaign, the difference felt GIGANTIC. 12. How do I know charms are working? An indicator would be nice. Specially the Gold Charm - does it work on the Rare you just killed or the next one within the duration? It's a bit confusing. 13. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a keybind for Gemcutting. Having to have a specific gem in your inventory to see what's available is annoying. 14. Related to gems: please allow us to choose the level of a gem _up to the level of the gem_. It's not fun wanting a lvl 1 spirit gem for your build and then having to do some insane walkback in the hope some random lvl 22 mob drops it, specially since I have more than 30 spirit gems NOT at level 1. 15-. The changes you made before christmas were GOOD. Keep those up in the new year! 16. The rumours of there being crafting in PoE2 are greatly exaggerated. I've never seen an omen in the wild and I have only seen 2 greater essences. It feels like without those there's absolutely no in between: you're always just hoping that exalt slam gives you reasonable affixes. That means that exalts are nowhere near as common as they probably could be. I heard someone talking about in trade league "if you can gamble a dollar for a single potential upgrade vs. use that dollar to buy a definitive gigantic upgrade, there's never a need to gamble. But if you were gambling pennies for a big payoff, you'd have more of an incentive to gambling", alluding to the fact that specially during the campaign, exalts are way too scarce. Everything in the market is 1ex. With 6ex you can VERY EASILY gear up your entire character, which feels like it defeats the purpose? 17. For the love of all that is holy allow us to replace runes. Gimping an item because of the rune you put is ludicrous. It's the ONLY mechanic other than corruption that is irreversible. How come you can anoint over something but not sockets? 18. Strongboxes are completely gutted and boring, and are a hollow shell of what they used to be in POE1. They're slow and unrewarding. 19. Greater essences are a myth. They're SO rare what the hell. Not even with full atlas investment they're worth it. 20. Please show the range of towers (I believe this is half implemented in the game, sometimes they show, sometimes they don't, don't know why). 21. Allow a setting or a button or something to have the "condensed" view of gems. They take way too much space for no apparent reason. This is specially important when you want to do swapping of auras mid-fight or mid-map. 22. 1 support gem per character is goated. 23. Wasd is your greatest achievement in the industry. Please port it to POE1 even if it is with janky animations. My RSI/Carpal Tunnel says thank you. 24. Without something like Path of Building, experimentation is severely lacking if the investment is in a gem (not a slot). Getting your 4th and 5th slot in a gem is a GIGANTIC investment which makes it feel like you can no longer swap out. 25. Boots without movement speed are basically worthless. I think the base movespeed is probably a tad too slow. Bring down the requirements for higher movement speed boots but at the same time up the base movement speed and reduce the highest movespeed you can get on boots, maybe? Going from 30% to 25% bonus is SUCH a big deal and it feels like molasses to play. This is accentuated by the movement speed shrines: after it runs out I had a taste of what POE2 COULD feel and it does not feel. And it is heartbreaking. 26. There's a few maps that look like you should be able to pass over something but you can't (I think it's Steppe?). It has terrible visibility and if I didn't have the map open 100% of the time I would NEVER notice and die immediately. 27. ALLOW ME TO ZOOM OUT ON THE ATLAS! Also allow me to search for stuff! I can't see anything! And it's huge! Happy holidays :) Last edited by MarioCross#7555 on Dec 26, 2024, 9:21:29 PM Last bumped on Dec 26, 2024, 8:53:19 PM
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