Early game currency solution suggestion

Hi everyone.

For some reason today, I've remembered how some people were excited about using currency like exalts on gear in early game but now, after a couple of weeks of gameplay, this idea doesn't seem so appealing because you could have used it to buy map-level gear or, if you feel lucky, at least slam it on better item bases.

It made me think what if we got an early game currency that could be used only during early game?

It would be the same currency, but its use would be capped to an area level where it dropped. Meaning you can use an exalt on your 65% increased physical damage prefix bow in the hope of getting flat phys during act 3 normal and don't feel bad about it, because you will not be able to use it with any better gear later on anyway. That way you could even boost drop rates by a lot so that newer players could play around with crafting more liberally and get familiar with item modifiers without feeling bad about spending their early game currency.

What do you guys think?
Last bumped on Dec 26, 2024, 8:28:25 AM
Absolutely love this idea - early game equivalent currencies with item level restriction.

You could actually make them drop like sand without impacting the endgame that much at all

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