Unlink steam account
The email linked to the account doesn't exist anymore, and i cant remember the password set to the account when i created it.
If possible can i have my steam account unlinked. I have also emailed support as i am unsure where to contact regarding account issues. Thanks. Last bumped on Jan 11, 2025, 4:39:30 PM
Hi there, we aren't able to assist with account-related issues over the forums. If you have emailed us at support@grindinggear.com we can look into this matter for you. We are currently working through a very large number of requests, so please bear with us as we'll try to get to you as soon as we can.
Just thought i might touch base regarding this issue After my email i received a generic email requesting more account information, which i replied to. Since then it has been 2 weeks without a response regarding the issue. Just curious what the waiting period is looking like as i am eager to purchase PoE 2 but am hesitant to do it with the account/email issue causing problems in the future. Thanks! |