Unable to buy 30$ early access supporter pack a 2nd time
So i wanted to buy a 30$ pack to give my friend a code for christmas while i get the points, i tried sending 2 emails (different versions of the subject at this point), but after then checking the forums again for an answer to my first mail i did come across an answer from someone who was answered on the forums within an hour.
Thay said it's possible to buy the 30$ EA pack twice so i can send a key to a friend, but i get "a temporary error, no debits made on the card. try again later" but i have tried many times all day and it doesnt work, and i dont wanna pay 130$ for the 2nd key... (because 160$ is when you get a 2nd key) Is it possible or no? Because it should've been more difficult to send him the money and ruin the surprise, but dont know at this point. (sorry if it sounds aggressive, just a little anoyed when reponse times are higher (makes sense i have read posts on it), but then forums are answered in a heartbeat with same questions) Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 2:08:49 PM