Pure Melee skills don't need a buff .

Before you come with torches at me, let me explain!

Mechanically speaking, GGG has achieved decently good feeling skills for melee (thinking more of the mace category here) some of them even requiring skill play to use such as perfect strike which is amazing... however they feel weak compared to every other ranged option out there or the more speedy/vaulty variant on the monk.

The problem is however everything else in the game really. What do I mean by that? Simple! The more slow and methodical gameplay of pure melee simply doesn't work as well in the current landscape because of the following:

1) Monster density - there are simply too many to deal with.
2) Monster health - monster health is generally too low.
3) Monster speed and action speed - generally too high.
4) On death effects - important note here is that these would NOT be a problem if point (1),(2) and (3) weren't a problem. Not even for the other playstyles as well.
5) Ranged skills or generally easier to use skills achieving the same or better then the slow skills of melee.

Essentially, with every other type of ranged character you get to either heavily control the whole screen of enemies or kill them before they get a chance to do anything (which in itself defeats the whole purpose of better combat with these in particular). Why does this happen? Because of points (1),(2),(3)(4) and (5) combined.

All those points make screen clearing almost mandatory not only in terms of efficiency but also in terms of survival. However even if we look at it from the point of efficiency alone which is by itself a big deterrent for playing pure melee... again the problem isn't how melee itself works but instead what it tries to work against. If a ranged character can clear a whole screen with a skill use, why would you subject yourself to doing it 5 times slower with melee, right?

For example, let's say they buff the damage of rolling slam with another 1000% more damage... Would that fix the issues? definitely not. It would definitely make him able to trivialize bosses (again, bad) but nothing beyond that really since it's not just about the numbers.

Okay but some of you might say... how about give him 1000% more AoE on his skills? That would solve the issues right? Wrong... they would still be too slow. Okay then make them fast too...YAY melee is fixed.. but wait, what would you be left with at the end of that? Essentially a ranged character with a melee weapon skin that plays almost the same as any other, losing all combat feel in the process as well.

Lastly, some of you might wonder why the hell do I think everything else should change around how melee works basically? Simple! Better combat was the whole purpose of PoE2 and all those issues I've mentioned not only go against the concept of better combat but also the melee skills themselves. Build diversity gets killed heavily in the process as well.

Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Dec 24, 2024, 2:52:43 AM
Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 10:40:24 PM
Although not exclusively related to melee, Kripparian's recent video feedback on armor is quite relevant to most people that have tried to play a class such as warrior where one of the ascendancies actually revolves around that as well.

In his video comment section there was this gem of a comment:

"The theory behind armour is good, it works better in PoE 1, but the practice is highly contextual, because armour is designed to be defensive against a swarm of enemies implying you'd take their hits, but you still have to be mindful of big foes"

Now why is this comment so important for my topic here? It reflects exactly the thought process GGG has had for armor for a long while now and why it is that way in PoE1 but more importantly how it directly ties to my number (1) point.

Long story short, armor is designed to be defensive against a swarm of enemies, a swarm of enemies that shouldn't have been there to begin with in PoE2 for multiple other reasons other then armor itself.

Essentially, a system working on the base of another bad system.

If they don't manage to treat the root causes first, we won't get anywhere with PoE2.

"Turns out in true GGG tradition the best form of Defence for a melee character is to put on a dress"

While this other comment is funny, I'm sure we can all agree it shouldn't be this way and it is quite ridiculous even from a visual fantasy standpoint alone.
Before you come with torches at me, let me explain!

1) Monster density - there are simply too many to deal with.
2) Monster health - monster health is generally too low.
3) Monster speed and action speed - generally too high.

All bad takes honestly. This genre is about farming for gear and killing hordes of monsters. White mobs don't need loads of health and no one wants to spend 20 seconds fighting 5 white mobs. If these are what you're looking for, you're not looking for this kind of game
Herbeh#6842 wrote:
Before you come with torches at me, let me explain!

1) Monster density - there are simply too many to deal with.
2) Monster health - monster health is generally too low.
3) Monster speed and action speed - generally too high.

All bad takes honestly. This genre is about farming for gear and killing hordes of monsters. White mobs don't need loads of health and no one wants to spend 20 seconds fighting 5 white mobs. If these are what you're looking for, you're not looking for this kind of game

Right, so other then saying "bad takes" where's your actual feedback? How would you make meaningful combat work, how would you fix the issues the game has related to all of this?

Also how are any of those points a "bad take" when it is exactly the relation between pure melee skills and the points I've brought up?

Example: What exactly will happen if you do a rolling slam in the middle of a swarm of ranged enemies in an endgame map? Think about it.

1) Since there are so many ranged enemies you will get killed during the process of you killing a small part of them.
2) You will have more then enough damage to kill those you manage to land the hit on, but was that amount of damage even required? No, because they had low hp.
3)Part of the reason why those ranged enemies killed you so fast was also their speed.
Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Dec 25, 2024, 11:15:19 PM

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