Sorcery Ward Feels Extremely Underwhelming

As an ascendancy, and with a minimum requirement of 4 points, this node has way more downsides than it brings upsides. I will list them down:

1. Unlocked through Ascendancy, requires minimum of 4 points to function
2. Halves Armor/Evasion by half, only to provide a shield less utilitizing than a regular Energy Shield
3. It only works against elemental hits, meaning you can still easily get oneshot by Physical or Chaos hits, this happens often enough considering your base HP as an endgame Merc will be around 2 to 2.5k HP at best.
4. Has cooldown and doesn't just fill back up like a regular Energy Shield would have.

I really fail to see what was trying to be done with this one, considering you have to invest so much into this and stack a ridicilous amount of armor and eva to override the halving part of it as you still need a lot of armor and eva to survive regular physical hits. As it stands, it feels counter-intuitive and doesn't feel like it's worth the trade-off to use this ascendancy.
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 3:48:10 PM
Yeah in my opinion it should block all damage. Really disappointed with this ascendency. Hopefully they change it.

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