Feedback and Suggestions PART 2
163+ hours playtime and here is my updated feedback! INVESTORS BE AWARE TO RECONSIDER YOUR INVESTMENTS! 1. Game is unbalanced! 2. Game has significant lack of content! 3. Characters are hyper limited! 4. The game is NOT Path of Exile 2, it's a Dark Souls 3 poor copy/paste. 5. Way too many bugs in the game to even list them out, starting from the campaign, all the way to the end game content and the trials for ascendancy skills. 6. Speaking of ascendancy, the trials (especially the Sekhemas), the person who said "hey guys, I've got an idea, a very very brilliant one, let's make it with Honour system on top of the Dark Soul 3! That will be the most incredible!"... Yea incredibly stupid! Honour must be completely removed, the tokens taken to enter should be 2 attempts upon fail and not one entry and then BYE BYE. 7. More in depth to my point 1: Mobs within the end game content are so unbalanced that the bosses do NOT do any damage but some random small white mob can have a speed of 10000000 and a damage of 100000000000000000000 that one shot you. Also, game tends to bug and send you events such as meteors, thunders and who knows what else from across the map, that you as a player have no control over it and one shot you! These mechanics MUST be REMOVED or at least make it noticeable that the player can dodge. 8. Speaking of Dodge "Rolling" with space is not a DODGE mechanics! This "dodge" does NOT work at its current state! It does not dodge randomly, but when there is fire patches on the ground or some random AoE from the mobs, you cannot escape from even with the dodge, it still one shot you or at least do a significant damage. Dodge is meant to help you dodge the damage! 9. Teleport system is glitchy and buggy! It's so poorly made when you want to TP from one act to another to end game content. Let say you passed the campaign and reached to the end game (Past). Well, if you go to Act 2, it's so buggy and unfriendly to navigate back to the Past where the maps are. It's just not friendly at all! 10. Speaking of that, when you select certain Act it does not tell you which Act is selected. Cruel Acts and Normal Acts must be distinguished and not exactly the same and when you select Normal to Cruel to be unable to tell the differences. 11. Layout of the minimap is poor, it requires some work to make it more friendly with GPS and coordinates! 12. THERE IS NO MARKETPLACE! The current trading system is just uhm I would've say trash but I would insult the trash... Going to the website "Trade" to be searching blablablalbabla and be consistently online and require you to go back and forth is just poor design by the software architects! Are we living in 1980 or 2025? 13. Traitor's Passage Cruel Act 2 questline is totally bugged and not working. Suggestions: 1. Release all characters ASAP or at least 2 more before or after New Year. Currently you have released only 1 close combat (Warrior) who is the weakest of them all, 1 mid (close + range) which is monk and is somewhat decent and all others are range characters which you only target one specific players and leaving others who wants to enjoy close combat locked out of choice. 2. Balance all the mobs across the game that bosses are challenging and do damage and worth of paying attention rather and nerfing all other mobs. It's unbalanced for the 99% of the bosses to be totally useless but one random white mob to come and one shot you with 100000000 damage. Additionally, the mobs that have mana drainage should NOT have 1000000 speed and be unable to get out or stay away from its blue circle. Either reduce its speed or reduce the speed it is draining the mana. Currently, certain classes are fucked up against these type of mobs. 3. Remove entirely the Dark Souls 3 elements from the game! We are not here to play Dark Souls 3 poor copy paste. If we want to play DS3, we would be playing Dark Souls 3 and not Path of Exile! 4. Trials of Ascendancy should have less traps, no honour system as this is toxic and unbalanced and unfair and be mainly focused on survival of number of waves! Reduce or remove the number of debuffs as this is also making the game unbalanced more than it is already. 5. RE-WORK the Trading system! Modernize it! We are not in 1980! Make a dedicated NPC (which already is in) but needs expanding to handle the functionality of a proper marketplace where players can list their items for sale and players search and buy it automatically, which prices are distributed afterwards to the seller, rather than having to be online at all times to be able to trade and sell items. 6. Dodge must make you invulnerable to all projectiles and damage for short period of time when rolled without questioning. It's a dodge after all, meant to allow players to successfully dodge/avoid upcoming damage. 7. Campaign Last Boss when turns into a robot and flies on top of the player, the circle of AoE must be shorter, that will allow all players have fair chances of surviving the one-shot AoE damage and not be doomed to fail at all times. 8. Already mentioned, the minimap is very poor design and is lack of navigations. It needs improvement in that area, design wise and mechanics. Also when playing together with another player, the map should be automatically synchronized between the players. What that means is when someone goes to the left and other to the right, the map to be unlocking/exploring equally to both players and not individually only. 9. Speaking of the maps, once a certain map is explored, it must stay explored or at least until the weekly reset. 10. Teleportation system must be completely reworked as its current state is poor and tend to glitch. It's not friendly to navigate through or understand which Act you have selected. Normal and Cruel acts are undistinguishable. 11. Certain questlines are totally bugged and not working such as Traitor's Passage on Cruel act 2 or End Game content where you have had to explore certain tower and it tells you to find fragments that are no where to be found. 12. Make it possible to be able to show/hide quests so only focused quests are shown, others can be hidden! At the current state, the game is lacking around 79% of its game content. The game does not feel PoE 2 and really does not match the price that the game costs for early access. Investors must be aware that this game if left at its current state does not worth the time, money and effort and should reconsider their investments! Strongly recommending to prioritize the quality of life of this game and focus on building PoE 2 and not Top point of view of Dark Souls 3 under the name of Path of Exile 2. Which will be another question and potentially killing the game potential. The game has better graphics wise and good potential if and only IF the above points are addressed and players feedbacks are heard! Kind regards, Valentin (Lane Boy) Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 4:25:05 PM
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