Witch, Health and Ascendency Issues. PoE2
Love the game but witch is in a very weird place right now with it's current ascendancies.
Witch is an Int based class and currently both ascendancies force you into a Str/Int split with more favor to Str. Let me explain my position. Blood Mage - Mana Regen is easy to find in both passives and gear so a blood mage that is already penalized for ascending with double resource costs needs to favor strength for life in order to stay alive during boss fights. Mobs are not an issue, although blood orbs despawn too quickly when other ground effects block a player from picking them up. It's clear that the Blood Magic Keystone is what this class should have been but instead we are penalized for ascending or forcing yourself into an all crit build. This class really needs to boost bone spells and fix Vitality Siphon requirement just to try and offset Sanguimancy. Maybe put them on the some node and give another physical damage boost or something that allows inflicting bleed which gives more blood orbs. Infernalist - First you need to play a mini game or literally one shot yourself, or you build for critical and set yourself on fire, or you reserve your life for bonuses. Again this is forcing a strength heavy build for life to capitalize on any of the Beidat's skills. Honestly this ascendancy seems like a mix of ideas and was not fully vetted. It wants to be a cool shapeshifter that spams fire spells but is also trying to be the "minion" build that sits and does nothing but if you shapeshift you lose your minions since you're no longer holding a scepter. This feels like it was an ascendancy for Sorcerer that had the minion options just added on at that last minute. I love witch and was very excited to play it with minions and chaos magic thinking we would have more occultist or necromancer build options that fit the flavor of witch. Blood mage has potential but is nearly unplayable in its current state. Internalist just feels out of place and forces you to be just another Elemental Sorceress. Also Chaos Inoculation is unusable by any ascended witch and again favoring us to make a Sorceress and just play with occult skills. It truly feels like the Witch ascendancies teams were told early on that any cool idea needs to be a double-edged sword for players and that messaging was forgotten for Sorceress and some other classes. Chronomancy - no negatives; Stormweaver - Minor negative to Chill Magnitude and Shock Duration which both can be offset by passive skills and support gems. As it is now, I am not enjoying witch. I think the Infernalist needs a massive revamp if it is to stay or it needs to move over to the Sorceress class. Blood mage I hold out hope but without some meaningful way to recoup life with bosses it is just a net negative. I truly hope that whenever our third ascendancy is revealed that it fits the theme of witch in some way with occultism and/or necromancer options. As it is now I'm either a sorceress with more work or cutting myself in the hopes that the boss dies before I run out of flask charges. Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 8:46:56 AM
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