Rare enemies

Oh well.
Instead of removing nice things, can you please rather remove "rare" enemies?

I mean this whole idea of "same enemy but it glows and have 10x hp" is just an awful design and cause nothing but negative.

For this "stronger" enemy in a pack, just model new ones which is really easy or simply make usual ones bigger and grant em one random extra ability that player can have so you nearly never will see the same enemy, but please remove this dumb pool of exi monsters that can spawn things beneath you by acually casting nothing and even while being frozen, or stack corrupted blood on you by simply persisting on screen. Oh yea and those with temporal dome. Bloody hell. Games should be fun.

I know nemezis was an awful league and you still slapped same stuff in the game like No you gonna eat that, just as with sanctum where you shall oneshot things or you simply dnt play it cuz you can't see sht with 98% of builds. Dunno make player effects opacity slider if you want to keep this trully negative gamemode where game tells you that ur defence dnt matter and you shall gather debuffs(what the hell, just make monsters much more tought and dangerous, remove resolve and allow to gather buffs only to make it playable for more than 2% of players).
Last edited by E_luna#6117 on Dec 23, 2024, 7:33:23 AM
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 7:53:32 AM
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Piousqd#0073 wrote:

Need a hand with math or something?
E_luna#6117 wrote:
Piousqd#0073 wrote:

Need a hand with math or something?

Just down voting your bad feedback.

“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
There's no active vote, you fluff.
I see that you are the one of those percents of players who really into trading so you'r probably good at.. all of that.

Can you please tell, why each time i ask people at chat about for example trialmaster, people simply tell me "oh well you simply should not play it as an archer", and when i ask about sanctum, tey always tell "oh well its better to do with totems or summons where you can just run around while enemies just dyin by teyself, ooor with billions of damage so you can just skip it like every single other boss like an exarch with his flaming balls."?

I mean it is definitely not a nice design beyond "having fun of beating it by abusing with infair builds".

Aaaand, do you find those same annoying rares fun? Ones that spawn 5 things beneath you by simply existing? I mean if you have a headhunter belt it probably is, just once in entire life, but you know.. theres not much of people that ever saw such item.
Last edited by E_luna#6117 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:22:01 PM

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