Feedback for poe2
After spending myself more than 100h and 4 more friends for about the same time in the game as a casuals ,with prior knowledge as former hardcore players, with thousands of hours in different mmo, arpg and like a million hours in wow, I will leave here our feedback for some quality of life improvements and core improvments that I think will enhance the experience of the players. 1)--The game SERIOUSLY needs an automated Action House.-- *There are tons of people with fake selling ads, trying to lower the prices for items that interest them or trying to list their items first and they just pm back the price they want. I have literally spend hours trying to buy items and the sellers never respond or changing prices. *Even if the ads are real ,there are times the seller don't want to lose time at the time the buyers pm them. I too have done that, I am in a high tier map, I am in the zone and there goes a pm to buy a minor item for some minor price. I have to stop the fight, tp to hideout, tp to buyer (as for some reason nobody tp to you, and I dont have god damn time for that) waypoint back to hideout, enter the arena again. No ty. Possible fix for the AH. (Maybe?) The trading site works fine as it is now to find items. Maybe you could keep it the way it is and add a trading chest or smth. .I list items with asking prices located in a premium Tab. .The buyer find the ads and press the buy now button. .my item is deleted from my tab and copied to buyers trading chest and in the other hand the currency is copied in mine. (I am not a developer, but I imagine it won't be that simple to code an in-game AH.) 2)--defences and DPS must get balanced.-- *I am currently playing life stacking infernalist. I have my elemental resistances capped and my gear is somewhat decent with a lot of armour. I just lose hp way too easy. The only way to be somewhat safe in high tier maps is ONLY energy shield. As I have listened to all ggg's interviews and seeing the recent patch notes I can tell that having only one way to play is smth that you don't want. Possible fix. (?) Scale down the DPS and energy shield of players in general and in the same time lower the DPS mobs deal. That way the Max life/ energy shield / armour/ resist elements will somewhat balance themselves (in my mind at least) 3)--Maps are too big and not that rewarding-- *You enter into an atlas map, not that juiced. You are trying to hunt down the elites to get over with it. And you just can't find em. At some point the skulls show up but you already have lost tons of time in there. In the same time you don't really farm anything in there, there is not a good reason to stay in the map either. Possible fix. (?) The skulls show up way faster in the maps so we can hunt them down or/and you find a way to make the maps rewarding enough to make players willing to clear them. Maybe increase the density and amount of blue packs in the maps and increase their drops. Maybe increase only the currency drop of blue mobs and make them the main way to farm currency. While the yellow mobs drop more gear or smth? 4)--The AI of minions must get better -- *Not much to say here. When you enter a map with narrow spaces the minion sometimes don't even cross doors. So if make a super juiced map and it happens to be like that, I might just die because I can't rly DPS. 5)--Give us an NPC to remove gems from gear -- *You find a rly good gear and you are (let's say) 12% off from capped frost resist. You place in there a frost rune. If I get a good drop in another piece of gear the problem begins. You start calculating and some times the maths just tell you that a great piece of gear is now somewhat worthless because of the runes you placed in it. Let us pay a gold fee + destroy the rune when you remove it. And In reverse, keep the rune and destroy the item if you rly want that rune back. 6)--We can use lvl3 support gems too early -- *Not much to say here either. The players can use lvl3 gem pretty early in the game. So when the game fully released and some rly powerful gem are on the list player might get overpowered way too easy. A possible "fix" here would be to be a 4th lvl or even 5th lvl of powerful gems for the endgame. 7)--Gem tab is not working properly -- *The gems are not divided right in there. You can make it a lot better. 8)--add exact spots in tabs-- *You maybe are working on new tabs we don't rly know. Just give us exact spots for tablets, runes etc etc 9)--Respec after patches-- *Recently you changed the way some gems / builds work. A lot of people didnt like that as we all saw. I still think the changes were good. The only fault in your move was that not only some builds were broken and a lot of people could not respec but people would be with a pretty "wrong" gear even if they could (you can't do smth for that one). Making a new character is way too time consuming and a lot of people cant do that or don't want to do that. So moves like this can possibly effect the player base of the game. (I think) Possible fix. And a simple one. After big patch you can give players a token to respec. If you dont want to do that because some people that dont get effected will respec for free too, you can lower the cost of respec for 1-2 days after the patch. So can people take other routes if they want and still be able to keep their characters. **10)--one last suggestion just to think about if it can fit in poe2-- *I have spent hundreds of hours playing nioh2. That game has some pretty cool crafting aspects. One of them was that at endgame gear you could farm currency and use it to change one specific stat to a small pool of selection. That could make a bad piece to a great piece. Right now in poe2 I am trying to invest currency into making my own ,at least mediocre weapon just for fun and I must say that it-does-not-worth. I sould have kept all the currency and trade for a good drop of someone elses. Is this the way you want gearing to work? If yes np, we will adapt sooner or later. But I can not see myself crafting a good piece for myself. And crafting gear is super fun! I am not exactly sure how you want the game to work but the nioh2 mech that wrote above was a mech we all loved in that particular game. #Thats all I can think in time or writing this. Hope I gave you a worthy feedback and I hope we see some changes like the above. Thank you# Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 4:41:30 AM
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