No AH still ? Entire Discord is Quitting because out of touch in 24'

Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english about high ticket price items. Imagine thinking you know better than the community and not implementing AH. Oh well, I guess you don't want any newcomers and noobs to enjoy the game (e.g., every single one of them ... every single one ... hates trading on a website)

Imagine getting this simple thing wrong and losing revenue because of it LOL.
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 11:25:24 AM
You know you could always play without trade if it annoys you too much.
Trade doesn't seem to bother many players, only those who are heavily reliant on it lol.

Instead of a "ah" they should nuke trading entirely from orbit and make the game actually hard for the minority who would struggle without carry runs, buying all their gear and still dying due to skill issue and what not is on the list.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Dec 23, 2024, 2:41:42 AM
Pashid#4643 wrote:
You know you could always play without trade if it annoys you too much.
Trade doesn't seem to bother many players, only those who are heavily reliant on it lol.

The issue is that SSF doesn't boost drop rates, they should straight up copy the LE system for trade/SSF.

I played almost exclusively SSF in PoE, but I can understand when people don't want to put up with it, it is the only ARPG where you get punished or punish yourself for playing on your own.

If you dislike Sanctum and Heist you barely get any divines and then can't progress your gear. Guarantee you that 98% of the player base would be unable to collect all 4 voidstones on their own in SSF.

It is a terrible concept for an ARPG when the majority of gear relies on trades/ RNG crafts and not drops.

In PoE2 it is even worse, thousands of rares not for your class even. If you play SSF there, you either hate your life or have no job.
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english about high ticket price items. Imagine thinking you know better than the community and not implementing AH. Oh well, I guess you don't want any newcomers and noobs to enjoy the game (e.g., every single one of them ... every single one ... hates trading on a website)

Imagine getting this simple thing wrong and losing revenue because of it LOL.

1. Chinese isn't a place.
2. Stop haggling and pay the asking price if you have a problem communicating

“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Last edited by ZaruenVoresu#5823 on Dec 23, 2024, 6:56:54 AM
i would kinda like if trading didnt require a website but at the same time i would miss the current system.

it feels nice having a monitor reserved for trade and alerts. wouldnt know what to do with that monitor if everything was conveniently encompassed within the game itself. i guess nostalgia would hit and i'd miss it.

*i play hardcore always though. im sure it's more of a pain in softcore where everyone ignores trade whispers unless it's a big ticket item lol
Last edited by teksuoPOE#2987 on Dec 23, 2024, 2:59:36 PM
PoE2 is PoE1 but slower and worse in every way except graphics

The fact they launched a game in 2024 with this shitty trading system from 2012 is comical.
Last edited by dylan33#3435 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:05:14 PM
You forgot to mention where you have to spend 40 mins spam whispering 20+ people because they don't respond. No AH is actually mind boggling.
Dont trade then.
Seqqsy#2291 wrote:
Yeah man, let me spend 45 minutes negotiating with people from Thailand or Chinese who can barely speak english about high ticket price items. Imagine thinking you know better than the community and not implementing AH. Oh well, I guess you don't want any newcomers and noobs to enjoy the game (e.g., every single one of them ... every single one ... hates trading on a website)

Imagine getting this simple thing wrong and losing revenue because of it LOL.

"entire discord is quitting"

lol, you should be a news reporter

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