Numerous bugs, QOL improvements, PS5, primarily couch co-op
My partner and I play mostly couch co-op on the PS5 but on occasion solo on the PS5. We have encountered numerous issues and I finally had enough and wanted to submit feedback/bugs. I haven't had the time to search through the endless pages of posts, so most of these are likely mentioned somewhere but these are the worst ones for us.
1. The screen size over bosses/arenas for couch co-op isn't big enough, and doesn't seem clever enough when we're far apart. This causes one of us to be dragged into the path of the boss if we're trying to attack separately and even causes the boss to be off screen at times even in relatively small arenas. 2. Tempest bell - as someone who co-ops with a monk who is obsessed with this move, I'm losing sanity over my character CONSTANTLY auto targeting it, even if I'm being murdered by an enemy standing on top of me that requires immediate attention. Please put in some sort of override for this auto-target/bell fiasco because it's going to cause a divorce at this rate with how often I die, my character is obsessed with it and almost entirely refuses to attack anything else while the bell is present. I'm aware there is a degree of manual targeting options but without a great skillset this is trickier for me to manage - I just want auto-target to have options or to be a little bit more intelligent. I've seen others ask for it to be a manually targetable object - I'd like it to also be not auto-targetable by force. The auto-target in general needs a massive overhal as I often find my character attacking the furthest away enemy when there is a crowd in my face. Very tricky to play with this mechanic. 3. A lot of the areas that have stashes (eg trials) don't allow you to put the items in via triangle (on PS5) and you have to manually click and drag every single item in and out of your stash. If you do try triangle it drops the items on the ground in a giant pile which you then have to pick up again. 4. Not being able to pick up items when enemies are present is very frustrating, this is clunky and needs work. Even if the keybind for X/interact isn't bound to an attack the option to pickup items does not always show up until all combat is over which is very frustrating and has caused numerous items to be lost if you die before you get to them because of 1 enemy off in the far distance that is triggering it. 5. Last night my sorceror minions and raging spirits disappeared completely, I have not had a chance to get back on to see if this has been resolved but removing sockets, gems, emptying spirit and reassigning etc, nothing caused them to return. Hopefully this resolves itself but if it doesn't this will be a huge issue. 6. Oswald was there to talk to us initially and then hasn't been there since. I've seen other people saying he returns when solo playing but co-op he is missing entirely so we don't have access to his store at all. Very big issue that needs to be resolved. 7. Please allow further UI scaling, most importantly the fonts and the resistances of bosses. On a 65" TV these are absolutely tiny and we have had to get up out of our chair on occasion to read them, and our TV really isn't very far from the couch. People have big TVs these days so the UI needs to be scaled accordingly. 8. When fighting the tree in the marsh, I think act 3, so many enemies spawn that the game bugs out, lags and almost. There needs to be either an upper limit on how many enemies can spawn in an area if the game can't handle it - and this was on high performance graphics mode. 9. Resurrecting couch co-op and likely multiplayer is absolutely horrendous. Often it doesn't even acknowledge that you're trying to do it so you waste precious time not resurrecting even though the interact button is present, the graphics aren't visible enough amongst fight animations (particulrly with a fire sorceror) to know if it's working, the time takes forever which is fair enough but a single hit completely resets the entire process while other games allows you to come back to where you left off. Perhaps this is all intentional as it's supposed to be primarily a solo game but on 90% of bosses if your ally dies you're doing th rest of it on your own. 10. Player 2 can't read additional information on their skill gems, it shows all of Player 1's skills instead. 11. Player 2 can't use the salvage bench, if they open it Player 1 takes over control, same with the teleport/checkpoints etc which is very frustrating. 12. A zoom in/out or pan around option for the overlay map (not mini map in corner) would be incredible, and the option to increase/decrease opacity on this as well (I know you can for mini map). 13. A nice feature would be to speed up the dialogue as some are incredibly slow. 14. The cut scene plays every single time the game is opened, it can be skipped but is annoying. 15. The ability to toggle on/off autoplay for the skills videos and also clarification on which/if audio turns these down as they are abnormally loud compared to the rest of the volume options and we haven't been able to work out which it is categorised as, if any. 16. The ability to see which moves are compatible with support gems before you craft them, as well as either an inventory/stash count or "how many of these you have created" would be nice as I've accidentally made multiples of the same as going back and forth is tedious. 17. When leaving the skill menu after inserting a gem or socket it would be nice if it took you back to your inventory rather than out into the game, very frustrating when you're doing multiple things. 18. Being able to move around the passive tree with your controller direction pad and the analog stick - can currently only use one and it's frustrating. 19. Adding more than 1 rune to an item, as above you can only use one of the options to move to a 2nd slot. It auto defaults to the already full slot instead of the empty slot which is frustrating. 20. Players can override the other player being in their inventory if they click the shop or dialogue, kicking the other player out of whatever they are doing which is extremely frustrating. 21. More visibility on items that have sockets and especially quality when disenchanting/selling gear. 22. Blacksmith bench automatically trashes stuff without showing what items you will receive, it would be great if it showed you a preview like the disenchanting tab does so you can decide if you will proceed with the salvage. Not vital but would be nice QOL. 23. Cursor vanishes on inventory sometimes so you have to move around a ghost cursor to select items, very clunky. Not sure if this is just a P2 issue or all characters. 24. A timer to say how long until your portal closes as "8-15 minutes" or whatever it says is extremely vague, why is it a range and not a set time? 25. A waypoint in a boss arena would be incredible rather than having to remap the entire floor to get to the boss again if you lose your portal or need to leave the game before beating the boss. 26. Couch co-op - the altar for corrupting items was only single use by 1 player. A warning for the single use would have been nice, particularly that not both players would have a choice to use it, only one. Players that haven't played POE before were oblivious of this. 27. Trials are not playable with couch co-op. We would get so far and then get completely crashed out and unable to play any further. Has to be solo only. Even solo crashes a lot on PS5 and you can't just leave the trial the entire game has to be reset as there is no end trial options just stuck on the death screen indefinitely. I'm sure there are many other things we've encountered but these are the main ones and the most reoccuring and frustrating at this stage. It's great seeing so many fixes being released but please give your couch co-op players some love! Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 9:33:56 PM
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