New Bug - Sudden Fps Drop

Hi team,

Potentially spotted a new bug which has made the game unplayable for me now.

Was using the skill menu to apply support gems and changing skills around when I took one support gem to apply to another within the skill menu, the clinking sound that's made when you set a gem started. And it didn't stop until my fpd dropped to 1fps and crashed.

Now anytime I do anything, that clinking sound happens and my frame rate just plummets until it crashes.

tried to load to new areas and repeat process. Same result.

Tried to load to new areas and fight enemies - same result. Repetitive clinking and then crash.

Please suggest a fix - really am enjoying this game.



Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 7:57:57 PM

Attempted reinstall. Bug persists.

My system ran perfectly before this evening. Not sure what changed other than I spent quite a bit of time in the menus repeccing my character.

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