A few suggestion
Hey boys and girls!
I've played POE 2 for 160 hours, the game is an absolute banger but I think there are still a few issues, here are a bunch of suggestions I think would improve the overall experience and prevent people from going blind because of the game! :p Better visual hints : I think it would be nice to make the telegraphs more visible, for example the lightning storm animation which is supposed to inform you of the incoming attack is pretty hard to see on certain maps during Delirium, it's just an example but there are lots of them, like fire grenade being hard to perceive on certain maps etc. All this kind of delayed attacks should be easier to see, dying because of them should be a skill issue not a visibility issue. Some maps like Decay are particularly hard to read, the limits between the ground and the walls are unclear, corpses are mixing with the mushrooms making it pretty hard to know what you're walking on which makes corpse exploding enemies a massive pain to deal with on such a map. It's also particularly hard to dodge roll on this map because your character keeps getting stuck against unclear obstacles. Some maps also prevent the player from seeing projectiles like bolts and arrow because the ground and the projectile have the exact same color. It could be good to find a way to make the projectile more visible on very dark maps. The flash grenade issue : Please lower the flash animation of the flash grenade, the spell is horrendous to use. If you have more than 60-80% area of effect and chances to make it proc twice the spell becomes an absolute nightmare, I'm using the night light setting of my computer and even tried to use sunglasses to make it tolerable, but it wasn't enough! The revenge abilities overload : There are too many of them... Like way too many! You kill an enemy you have two thunder spirits, three chaos wisps chasing you and you'll have to wait for the enemy to explode three time in a row before being able to take your loot... I like being cautious during fight, but please when the fight is done it is done... It's ok to have a few of them, but in T15+ every rare enemy has at least one revenge ability (sometimes they even have their own inherent revenge ability like the big guys or the exploding shrooms). I really think these kind of abilities hurt the rhythm of the game, so please find a way to balance it so you don't have to run around for 5 seconds every time you kill a rare enemy. Augury : Either make the lever animation faster, give a way to cancel the animation or prevent the activation of the lever while an enemy is within 10m. Prevent enemies who are outside of the screen from sniping you : Example, the Putrid Druid can tp outside of your screen throw a rock at you without you noticing what he is doing... Even if you know he can do it (I didn't and it made me die on a tier 16 map with four modifiers so I was kinda pissed ^^') you have less than half a second to react or you're dead. Same goes with enemies using lightning storm or the monsters with corpse explosion using their ability while you're looting because you think the battle is over because, well you can't see them... Find a way to "shadow ban" a price fixing item : Price fixers are boring, I think it wouldn't be hard to put a system to prevent an item from appearing on POE trade if more than X offers have been sent over Y period and the item hasn't been sold! That's it! Bye everyone! =) Edit : the altars : I forgot about them and they honestly tilt me... Why are the elemental altars so dangerous? Why do the fire and lightning one almost one shot you even with 2.8K hp and 75% res? And why is the ice one able to freeze you with one single shot dealing 50 dmg? I mean why would you risk approaching them they when they provide almost no real benefit except making your screen even messier and hard to read? Last edited by TERPACA#6359 on Dec 22, 2024, 7:19:05 PM Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 6:47:24 PM
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