RNG in boss fights.

So, there are many bosses in PoE2 and many of them are ok. But there are also some very shit bosses with undodgeable attacks or rng based attacks that make your skill seem obsolete. I was playing with a friend trying to beat Count Geanor or putrid wolf or whatever he's called, and the ice beams from the ceiling are completely RNG based. Trying to dodge them is a pain in the ass as there is no constant pattern you can follow or dodge into to dodge them. They just appear in random places and when there's 3 of those beams surrounding your character, you need to have super human reaction time to be able to dodge them, not to mention there is a chance for even more beams to appear around that again. Boss fights are supposed to be hard, yes. But making the player depend on a dice roll ruins the whole experience of the boss. Instead of experiencing a entertaining challenge, you experience all your skill getting flushed down the toilet. It's hard to believe there is any player out there who wants to fight through a boss's health bar just to end up in an attack based on rng. (btw this all goes for the other set of red beams when you're getting close to the end of his health bar. PLEASE MAKE BOSSES BASED ON SKILL INSTEAD OF LUCK.

There is not a single player that likes to see their skill flushed down the toilet and their time wasted.
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 11:27:52 AM

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