Player crash when using flameblast

If I am in a group with someone, and I use flameblast on one side of the map and they are on the other side, they will crash to desktop and I won't. This has been confirmed multiple times.
Playing as bloodmage
Lots of area effect
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 1:28:48 PM
Forgot to mention this occurs when doing fully charged blasts. Didnt seem to occur on patial charged flameblasts
Can confirm that I've experienced this as well from the other side - my partner plays flameblast, and if they're far enough away from me (more than a screen length or two), as soon as they flameblast mobs, I instant crash. None of their other abilities trigger it, and it doesn't happen if they're close to me.
Can confirm, having the same issue in my group

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