Training dummy suggestion

Dear GGG,

I have a suggestion for improving POE 2:
You could add a training dummy to the game, allowing players to test their character's damage output (similar to how it's implemented in WoW). This dummy could be placed in the hideout to test builds, and if the build is unsatisfactory, players could make adjustments.

As an additional improvement, you could include the option to customize the dummy's resistances and other parameters.

I believe this improvement is great and could add more build variety to the game.
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 11:18:32 AM
I came to make the same post so I am commenting to help boost this one!
Well, POB is like a week long for its release, not ideal in my opinion, but its a way to see our builds DPS, impact on gear upgrades and things like that. Imho they wont do dummies, so POB will be the only way to go.
They’ve made test dummies, talked about it in an interview but they’re for internal use only because they’re “too complicated” for the average player to understand.

Have they not seen the game they made? Who the everloving fuck do they think is playing it?

One of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard them utter in an interview, wanted to reach through the screen and dope slap ‘em.

+1 for target dummies.
In the conditions of bugs and non-obviousness of game mechanics, the best thing a player can do is to practice on a dummy in a calm environment and check the damage of his character. An excellent version of a dummy is in the game that must not be named. I am sure that GGG can do better. You cannot ignore this standard of the gaming industry! By the way, POE already has a wonderful HideOut suitable for dummy! Decide on this step and do it! Like you did WASD. Otherwise, advanced trends in the ARPG will pass you!
Last edited by Max_ak#2633 on Jan 18, 2025, 5:00:10 AM
For now I've seen people test and showcase damage difference on frost witch in act 1 cruel (Beira?), pretty much a test dummy.

Wish for configurable version in hideout nonetheless.

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