Item drop rate :(

The difficulty level in POE 2 is perfect! I hope the devs won't change it. But the item drop rate is awful. A player should be able to change their gear at least every 10-15 levels or so. For example, I'm level 50 and my bow is level 28. Which makes me too weak to progress. Gambling, checking NPCs for new drops, repeating the same maps over and over again doesn't do anything so far. I'm stuck in act 3! I don't have enough currency to buy anything from other players. And when something does drop, crafting at that level means I don't have enough currency to finish it. That's why I think there should be more items to "play" with. Drop rate of items should be higher. What about you, are you luckier than me?
P.S.- sorry for poor English
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2025, 5:58:48 AM
I really like the fact that i am a WITCH build that depends on chaos damage, literally the wand with chaos bolt is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find in ACT III, And throughout the game ITS A STRUGGLE TO FIND GEAR FOR MY BUILD.


It's f'ing awfull. Solo selffound seems to be the same. At least that should have better drops rates.

I'm lvl 52 now and have a pair of lvl 19 gloves on. Have not found a replacement, not even a pair to "craft" on as they call their gambling system.

If they want people to trade, build an auction house. I don't want to go some 3rd party website.

Trashy system.
I agree that the loot drop rate and the quality of those drops is HORRIBLE!!!!

Even when I complete a quest for an NPC, like in Act 3, when we find Servi's son for the quest Tribal Vengeance. She offers a choice between two belts as our reward. Both belts are rare, but the quality SUCKS. For example, I received a belt and three of the modifiers are T1, and the modifiers are the garbage ones that no one wants anyway. Geez, put some thought into the quest rewards.

I've never played a game where the only gear worth wearing is twenty or even thirty levels below my character level. This is because not only are the drops few and far between, but when items do drop the modifiers are T1 or T2.

It's no better when we use orbs to make a normal item magical or rare, the modifier tiers are often T1, making your level 60 bow another piece of crap.
I agree too. I like to make my own gear because this way it is exactly how I want it to be. But I really suffer from lack of drops providing crafting items (i.e. orbs) for that. I wish that they would make drop rate better in PoE2.
I understand that PoE2 is intended to be more difficult and generally different from PoE1. However, lack of sufficient gear makes players quit coz they can't progress at some point.
You are right. I agree on that.
Last edited by AuroraGray#7148 on Jan 29, 2025, 4:42:22 AM
I agree with the above posters!

Not only that but every time a good drop occurs it is for another class, not the one I am playing!

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