How come every other mob let alone almost every rare monster has some hurting explosion effect now?
How could you guys go from an ok endgame in poe to this monstrosity in poe2? Dodge roll means nothing when more then half the on death effects monster's explode & are unavoidable unless your a ranged build, coming from a melee main this is total unbalanced bs, this isn't Diablo, please tune your endgame & get rid of all this on death shenanigans, there was enough to deal with in poe, now its left & right. Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 12:43:58 PM
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" Completely agree. The only thing you learn from dying to on-death effects is to play like a scared pussy. It's not fun and most certainly not rewarding to stay away from. All of this would be somewhat easier to deal with if they didn't stupidly make you lose the map if you die once however. |
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"Yeah i totally agree. Without normal way to craft your equipment and shitty economic it's almost impossible to cap yor def and have high dps, so either you will clear map like 40 mins or clear it with 3-7 tries because it's like more than half of mobs in maps have on death explosions and even if you have cap resistances it doesn't mean that you'll stay alive. So i really don't know for whom this was made for, no one really wanted to see any on death explosions even in poe1 and they added them and multiplied like 5x in poe2, well done! Bravo! |
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Zero positive experiences from any player in POE2 regarding on death effects, zero skill, can't loot, can't melee, it was garbage in POE1 and 10x worse in POE2 because they are insta kills. You could build enough good defenses around it in POE1 to mitigate, but even with max block, max res, and 10k EHP I still get one shot from on death effects. It makes the game almost unplayable with any sort of lag, which a lot of people experience. Please listen to the people on this one GGG. You have a great game here with some serious playability issues though.
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I think Rhyker said it the best. Killing the hard boss is the climax of the fight. The fun is if you can release the tension upong winning. Now you must keep on your toe in case of death effect delaying the fun.
Myself I'd explain it as pulling out of the girl when your on the verge of climax. Its ruin your orgasm. Those death mechanic should just not exist, they serve no purpose. |
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