PLEASE RETHINK LOOT- a new players experience
I've played this game for 113 hours. I love it. The comparisons to diablo are really no comparisons at all. Its checkers and chess. That being said there is one area that is exactly like diablo and that's the terrible loot.
Again, I've already played the game for 113 hours and I've not had a single wow moment from loot. Not one dopamine rush. Not one "finally" moment. 85% of what drops for me is for another build. Of the useful 15% that drops, 99.9% of it is garbage. Now, you may think that is me just being dramatic. To say 99.9 percent is garbage must be an exaggeration. It is not, and I can prove it. I'm not wearing a SINGLE piece of gear that I found myself. Not one. I did the best I could through cruel act. As a matter of fact, I thought I did pretty well. I crushed cruel act. Despite this, I could barely transition into tier 1 maps. I remember my stats being like 60% armor and roughly 60-70 for elements minus chaos which was at 10%. I know these stats are weak, but its the transition to tier one maps. I should be good right? Wrong. The only reason, please hear me, the ONLY reason I am able to play this game at this point, is because I checkpoint farmed for two and half days straight before the patch. Morning till night. I came away with almost 200 exalts and 2 divine orbs. EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. of gear I am wearing, was traded for. Now I'm up to tier 6 maps which I've played for hours and still nothing. Once I gain several more levels, I will just trade for upgrades. This is, for lack of a better term, idiotic game design. Please don't assume I haven't tried all avenues. I've gambled. I juice my maps. I've crafted, which by the way is the biggest waste of time and resources imaginable. If you are using exalts to craft, you might as well throw them out a window. The only way to gear in this game is trading I've seen dozens of other forum posts and youtube videos saying the same thing. So please rethink loot. You guys don't have to be so stingy. The game has so much depth it doesn't need to string players along in order to keep them interested. With 12 classes at launch and multiple builds for each class, the mapping system, the uber bosses, my god, there is so much to this game. Let me experience it. Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 1:02:36 PM
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First off, welcome to POE!
A few things to keep in mind, 113 hrs is not a lot of time in this game, but that being said, you should have gotten some exciting drops relative to your current gear/wealth. 1. Are you using a loot filter? This will help greatly with recognizing what you can get excited about and hide a large portion of the junk 2. Are you playing SSF? If not, just because its not for youre build doesnt mean it isnt exciting. “Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
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First off, welcome to POE!
A few things to keep in mind, 113 hrs is not a lot of time in this game, but that being said, you should have gotten some exciting drops relative to your current gear/wealth. 1. Are you using a loot filter? This will help greatly with recognizing what you can get excited about and hide a large portion of the junk 2. Are you playing SSF? If not, just because its not for youre build doesnt mean it isnt exciting. Edit: Also, this post seems to be about POE2.... which belongs in the POE2 sub forum. If you are referring to POE2, add point 3 to the number 1 spot. 3. POE2 is in EA Beta. The game is starting with the bare min. loot drop, and slowly buffing drop rates until it feels good. Since there is no market reset between EA and full release, the devs are erring on the side of caution. “Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
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I can tell you are new here because you thought we wouldn't believe you when you said no upgrades ever dropped for you.
Most people here are in the same boat. |
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we really just need a crafting bench and the ability to remove socketed items so we can replace them with others as we change gear. would fix alot of our problems. they changed the skill gem system so people could just find an upgrade and use it without fixing links and socket colors but we still cant use what we find because then maybe we dont have enough int or or we have 150 fire res and 12 cold res but cant swap the items in the sockets to fix res.
Last edited by justjay8821#6313 on Dec 20, 2024, 1:03:10 PM
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