Vaal/Chaos orb feedback

When we use a vaal or chaos orb, please write the change as a chat message the same way you print a message there when you can't use an orb (eg the item has no more space for mods message)

It's a small quality of life change that will make crafting feel much better
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 2:57:47 PM
I agree. I just bricked an focus I farmed awhile for because I didn't know it could change so much. Took my +2 to all levels changed my high mana to low changed my high lightning damage to low spell damage. Completely destroying my item. I'd like to atleast share a screenshot of the change in stats for how ridiculous the outcome was
Last edited by EvenSmile253852#3454 on Feb 24, 2025, 2:56:17 PM
Developers reduce the drop rate and call it a modification.

Developers change the effects and call it a improvement.

The game is designed to modify your game play and frequent third party sites to ask them for help with your hard earned IRL dough.

The game is Play Dough pay to play. Even the MTX are high priced for the amount of nerfs encountered daily and low drop rates of all end game items.

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