Trial of the sekhemas - melee post patch.

The trial of the sekhemas should not have honor as a system at all. the number of monsters in the trials that don't telegraph their attacks well is insane. not to mention some of the random layouts just trap you away from the objective causing a loop of getting stuck against a wall despite the rolling upgrade patch. even with 3 honor resistance relics and the most recent change I can say this game mode needs adjustments to the fundamental way it works because I can tell you I want challenge, but this is just not fun. it feels like all the progress I've made making my build as good as it is just flushed down the drain when playing melee in here. any ranged class breezes through this like paper, please change this GGG.

Thank You,
Some random nerd.
Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 1:02:36 PM
I totally agree this is something that can be changed before launch. i didnt play poe much but have heard that the honour system was from one of the leagues and was NOT popular so why bring it over to poe 2 ... no new ideas ??? scrap it lol
I'm playing as a warrior. And this is my 5th attempt, have all the necessary relics max honour, honour resistances etc. I'm so tilted by the honour system that I genuenly alt f4 the game in rage. One time I even uninstalled.

It's not hard, it's just a stupid mechanic.... Please change
I fully agree. This "honor" system in Trials is absolutely BS, especially if you're a melee. It almost feels like the developers had a rager against melee and decided to stick it to them good and hard. I'll grant them the tiniest bit of grace as this is early access, but I can assure you, IF they don't remedy many of the flaws in this game at launch, I won't be playing it cause as is, it feels like some antiquated piece of garbage that somebody 20 years ago thought was a good idea and no one around them had the courage to tell them "NO"

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