Losing Maps On Death Needs To Go (Revert Maps Back To POE1).

​My experience with Path of Exile is running and joking with other players as we kill mobs. Someone is always going to die, it's inevitable. If me and/ or my friend/s die, we are removed from the core experience. I've witnessed this firsthand from both points of views, and it's a bad experience.

We just sit there thinking of what to do and why the other tries to finish, but that's not what we care about. We want to play together.

I'm not sure who thought it was even remotely a good idea, but it's a terrible choice. It teaches only to be defensive and not challenging. I would rather push people into making mistakes and learning, than losing maps and experience. That leaves a portion to just leave the game entirely (Like people are doing right now!).

Maps also feel totally disconnected from what people experience at the start of the game. You're challenged repeatedly, but given multiple chances to push ahead (even in parties). Try the same in Endgame, you and/ or someone is removed from the map and not able to join back in, plus at the high levels has experience points removed.

Endgame needs more interaction with people, not just more stacking health and resistances.

I will lose all support for Path of Exile 2 if maps are not converted to the Path of Exile 1 experience to where you get to rejoin if you die. I have to be able to play with friends even if someone dies. I don't care how others play Path of Exile, I've always played with people.

Things I would like to see for the endgame is more activities between interactions with players. Like maps that are huge with actual people in them fighting public mobs are something.

I want Path of Exile 2 to be more connected spaces to where people play together. I see people in towns, make maps that have people in them. It was a missed opportunity not having a shared story to where people interacted with others.
Last bumped on Dec 18, 2024, 8:45:11 PM

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