Fine Tune Auto Aim
Please do something to make the Auto Aim function better. I really want to love this game but refuse to deal with the terrible targeting. I've also tried the "Focus Fire" option and it isn't any better at all unless 1v1 on a boss.
I've tried each character and have had similar results with each, each having their own set of targeting issues. As a solo player, the game is not enjoyable when I can't even hit the target I'm going after. I can deal with certain enemies nearly insta killing me and having to grind a lot for semi decent gear, but the targeting is a hot mess. Last bumped on Dec 21, 2024, 11:08:36 AM
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Have you tried using the right stick to aim?, i have been doing that as ranger wth abilities that need it on the shoulder buttons and it works pretty well
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Using the right stick is where most of my problems are coming from. Maybe I should've clarified in my original post.
If you'll notice, when using the right stick, it is only allowing 4 directions to be used. Up, down, left and right is not good enough in a game where you often get surrounded by hordes of enemies. You need at least 8 directions, if not 16 to be accurate on a game like this. I hate Diablo 4, but even they had a good directional Auto Aim. Diablo 2 is my jam and it is ALWAYS spot on with targeting, no matter what. EDIT: POE 1 did not have this issue either Last edited by xXx STR1FE xXx#8272 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:39:50 PM
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It would be great to have an ability to disable auto aim to certain skills, but I think this would not happen because if we look closely we can notice that character not just aiming to the direction of selected enemy, it is actual aiming enemy body parts.
For example if you fight birds -- character will shoot slightly upper. If we use shotgun in point blank - character often shoots to the ground, not causing bullets to properly penetrate through enemy. I think in effectiveness it is bad, but it looks so great and actually create a fluid motion animations, so I think i'd prefer they keep it that way |
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" Not the case for me, in or out of combat I can aim in a proper circle, but in combat it still tries to lock on to an enemy in that general direction which can admittedly be finnicky. Not sure if there's any option that affects this that I have/haven't enabled. |
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I'm really trying to not be the bad guy here, it's just frustrating to me that whatever is going on, is going on. I'm sure that many of you have tried the Mercenary, and I'm sure that others have noticed the targeting issues, primarily with this character, although the issue still is there with other characters.
I'm glad that not everyone is having such an issue with what I'm referring to, but for some of us, it makes the game feel VERY unattractive. The Focus Fire option does not help. Using different skills does not help. Using the Right Stick to strafe DOES NOT HELP. The targeting issue is very, very noticeable and it very much gets me killed and causes immense frustration. I have ZERO issues with the learning curve, the new skill set up and the inability to use the same support gems on multiple skills that you can use... Hell I'm even ok with getting one shot by a boss that i don't fully understand move sets for, probably because I'm a masochistic gamer. But I'm not so much of one to continue playing when i can't actually hit my target, or even have the skill or attack go in the RIGHT DIRECTION. It's absolutely absurd. Idk, maybe I'm just being picky. But it really, really doesn't feel like it. I love games like POE and Diablo and have for over 15 freaking years, and maybe that's why it hurts my soul to be having such a hard time with this game. Maybe my expectations were to high and got crushed, like most newer age games that come out. All im asking is for them to acknowledge the issue, as it is not just me having this problem. |
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Monk attacks the bell even when there are no mobs near it. Turn to face the mob, and it will auto jump back to the bell again. |
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It definitely needs some work. I'm finding it a source of great frustration at the moment. It has some odd priorities as is.
The river hags in act 3 are particularly egregious. It seems to give them no priority whatsoever, which is annoying when that is so clearly the tactic to deal with them quickly to yourself an easier time. Even when I'm right on top of them my sorceress will spin around and cast on a target miles away first. In fact it frequently seems to prioritise groups of mobs that are far away leaving the ones close by to swarm you. On maps where two paths are close together, it will usually focus the monsters on the one your character is not on and can't access instead of the ones right in front of you. I don't like putting my abilities on the shoulder buttons and trying to aim with the right stick, I find it uncomfortable and awkward to play like that. And if I let up on the right stick for even a second the auto target kicks in immediately anyway, which often still results in abilities going in the wrong direction. |
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oh just saw this post. I just wrote another post about the auto-targeting with Monk is bad. But yes, totally agree. With monk, it actually interferes with the character's position, so it feels really bad. It auto targets the Bell with very high priority, and am also using Frost wall, and Monk also auto-targets that over the enemy right next to me lol... i just laugh in frustration... can't imagine anyone playing on hardcore with this.
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