2 Characters into Cruel, only 4 Lesser Jeweller’s Orbs have dropped, including the 1 in Act3

Lesser Jeweller’s Orb seems to never drop. I am playing with 4 friends and they are also struggling with getting them to drop.

We've had to turn to the marketplace to get them which isn't fun.

I have two characters well into the Cruel campaign and I have only had 4 Lesser Jeweller’s Orbs drop. This includes the 1 you get from Act 3 automatically.

I would like to see the drop rate increased a bit for these. I shudder to think what the higher level Jeweller’s Orbs are going to be like for farming.

I also have just over 50% increased rare loot equipment for most of the campaign.


Last bumped on Dec 18, 2024, 6:29:59 PM
Same, but apparently there are some places with guaranteed drops for lesser orbs, like in some interactable objects like boulders and baskets
Yeah, the only one I am aware of is in act 3 in the first map.

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