Skill gems, Gem menu, Gemcutting Menu - Overhaull with pics

In this thread I will show quality of life changes to the UI, that go hand in hand with better skill system.

1. Skill less tied to Weapons
To allow more variety and not making a weapon more important then the class skills shouldn't be tied so much to the weapons.
- Some skill should be reserved for one weapon
- Some skill should be with two or three weapons (i.e. bow and crossbow)
- Some skill should be with by group of weapons (i.e. all cutting/ all bashing)
- Some skill should be regardles of weapon (i.e. totems, granades, shield charge)

So for example, when you choose "axe skills" you see only skills related to the axe.
This includes skills: Specific to axe. Usable by "axe and club", usable by "cutting".
And zero skills not related to axe (like totems or shield charge).

2. Gemcutting Menu 3 in 1
All three Gemcuting menues should be in one place.
At the top you choose if you want: Skill, Support, Spirit
Here a suggestion how each of them could look based on the point number 1.
Specific names of new groups of skill aren't important, they are just for show.
- At the top you can choose Class Suggested skills similar to what we have now in weapons.
- At the bottom you can choose to show all red/ green/ blue gems.

Skill Gem Menu
Support Gem Menu
Spirit Gem Menu

3. Skill Menu and Gemcut menu together at last
You should be able to open both your skill menu and gemcutting menu

4. Other QoL about the menus
- In gemcuting menu you should be able to watch all skills. Those you have, those you can't have all, and regardles of using the uncut gem.
- If you have in your inventory uncut gems you can use them with gemcuting menu open. If you have more of them you can choose what level skill you want to cut. In some cases the lowest possible gem will be used (like when you have support gem I and II)

P.S. Gem Stash
- When you select "Uncut". You should see stacks of each level of gem. And the columns of Skill, Support, Spirit should be separate for more clarity.
- Uncut and cut can't be seen together for more clarity.
- When choosing cut gems the columns of Skill, Support, Spirit should be separate for more clarity.
- When choosing cut gems they are separated into three lines in each level section by color.
- You can choose to see cut gems by "Class suggestions".
Last edited by Bakubylozajete#1182 on Dec 18, 2024, 12:55:55 PM
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 1:19:32 PM
Bump, cause no one saw the post, and I think there are good ideas here, making it easier to use gem menus, making the skill system better, and I worked some time on those graphics.
When you hover over a uncut skill gem it should tell you it's required character level.
Last edited by Bakubylozajete#1182 on Dec 23, 2024, 12:30:33 AM
It was about gems but here is one of the mentioned Gem Stash ideas but with graphics

Uncut gem category should be separate in the tab.
Uncut gems should stack in the stash and be easly accessible


Cut gems should be divided by their color.
Cut gem level should be visible in the bottom right like a uncut gem level.
Cut gems of the same type would be next to each other in order of level


Nice suggestion dude. The current system is horrible.
also i sugest to add a (+) new skill at the skill menu to automatically add the gem to that slot (not send the skill to the inventory)


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