Gamepad / Controller Issues Post Jan 14 Patch

Since I play exclusively with a controller I am continuing my controller issues thread. Other players should add to this thread:

1. Getting to advanced skills description is cumbersome. You have to click A -> Advanced Skill Info and then only can see one skill and have to do it again for the next. Please allow an action to open the advanced window and allow it to change when you navigate skills.

2. Target lock. I should be able to click a stick and lock my target to the boss instead of the game auto selecting the target.

3. Stash tabs controls were written by a sadist. :) You inverted what they were from POE 1 and messed up my muscle memory. You should have to go to stash options to move a tab and please put tabs back on the triggers.

4. In stash tabs the LB and RB buttons should snap you between stash and inventory, remembering where you were in each screen.
Last edited by Kraythax#2592 on Jan 15, 2025, 2:29:58 AM
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2025, 12:37:08 AM
5. When using the stassh in the Trial of The Sekhemas, Y no longer works to send items to the stash. Instead it drops the item.
Last edited by Kraythax#2592 on Dec 18, 2024, 6:02:58 PM
6. There should be a toggle to always show detailed description of items. Frankly M&K should have this as well. I really would rather see what I see when I click left stick.

7. Relic Locker should really be a stash tab. There is no real reason to keep them separate.

8. Runes should either have their own stash tab or be given spots in the currency tab. I don't mind buying another tab if there are dozens of them.

9. When in held targeting mode there needs to be a new setting to preposition the bubble. The setting should be "On Target" or "On Self". Depending on the spell you strategize what to do. For example, flame wall with fortress you want to target self but ice wall target them.

10. Interface is inconsistent sometimes. The Y key is used to sell but if you go to the tab for the vendor to remove an item, the key to not sell the item is A.

11. Skills navigation could use improvement. I don't think you need to have ability to set skill bind because the other interface is better. I would rather have a key to open advanced info like DPS and so on and then another key to manage sockets but not per skill, for the whole skills. So left stick down and X to manage sockets, Left Stick Y to enable or disable info. Left stick A.
12. Prompts for the inventory are confusing to newbies. "A Pick Up X Equip Y Drop" is confusing because pick up and drop are opposites. I would suggest you rename Drop to Discard.

13 Prompt missing on cosmetics. If the user has an item equipped and they select the item, the prompt for A should say Unequip.

14. On the quests map sometimes bosses show still blinking even if they have already been cleared. I know they respawn but there should be an indication whether or not the user has cleared them at least once. Perhaps blinking is never cleared.

15. When holding the left stick to inspect advanced info for an item in a vendor, when you release the stick it snaps down to the search box. The UX for these two should be different. I would suggest maybe down d-pad to search.

16. There is no way to see shat buffs or debuffs there are on you like M&K. The icons are visible but if you dont know what they are there is no way to find our.
I guess I'll add this here: I'm on PC, and I can't revive other players on my Xbox controller. It prompts me to press A but nothing happens. I'm not sure if this is Xbox specific or not.

Maybe if there was a revive skill we could bind to a certain slot, this would fix the problem?
Just some FYIs:

Kraythax#2592 wrote:
1. Getting to advanced skills description is cumbersome. You have to click A -> Advanced Skill Info and then only can see one skill and have to do it again for the next. Please allow an action to open the advanced window and allow it to change when you navigate skills.

While the Advance Skill Info is open, you can switch skills with the d-pad, but will only go through them in one direction.

Kraythax#2592 wrote:
5. When using the stassh in the Trial of The Sekhemas, Y no longer works to send items to the stash. Instead it drops the item.

This is listed in the known issues for console.

I guess I'll add this here: I'm on PC, and I can't revive other players on my Xbox controller. It prompts me to press A but nothing happens. I'm not sure if this is Xbox specific or not.

You have to hold the button down for some time.
17. When using Bonestorm skill, the bones shoot right into the ground practically at my char's feet, not at the target. This is similar to the ember fusillade issue that use to happen and was fixed.

18. Controller really needs lock targeting so I can focus fire the unique or boss and not have major spells go off at minor minons. I would suggest click to lock target. This should go along with having a highlight on the target locked.
19. When navigating the existing advanced info for skills, up and down flip the skill but often jump over skills and there is no way to change tabs in the advanced info.

20. Did I mention TARGET LOCK? Oh? Ok I will again. Lack of Target lock makes many classes unplayable on controller. I should be able to select targets with my right stick and lock that target with a stick click. I can unlock it with another click or if the target dies. While in target lock the char looks at the monster and casts at them. The simple use case is apply essence drain then contagion on a mob. Often the casts hit different enemies.

21. When taking gems out of the stash, if you hit Y it will remove it from the stash but then move the cursor over to your inventory. This is very annoying when picking up several items out of the stash.

22. When puling an item from the stash if there is no room there should be some popup indicating as much. Right now it just ignores you.

23. When engraving a gem from the stash the gem ends up in the stash instead of inventory which is a bit confusing.

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