Please correct this mistake from PoE1 (Temp League Transfers)

Hello GGG, In PoE1 when a temporary league ends its characters are transferred and all of their items to Standard/Hardcore respectively which makes sense.

However Dead Hardcore-Temp-Leagues Characters would transfer directly to the non-Temp-League standard as much as 3 months ahead of those in the Standard-Temp-League players.

I request while its not too late that you correct this and make it so that the league character transfers are as follows:

-Hardcore-Temp-League characters who die will transfer to Standard-Temp-League until the end of the Temporary League period at which point all living hardcore characters will transfer to Hardcore and all dead hardcore and non-hardcore characters will transfer to Standard assuring everyone will arrive at the same time and on equal economic footing.

Additionally by making this change you may also find that users can now start in the Hardcore-Temp-League as a challenge to themself or to simply try it out for the first time without fear of losing their progress should it prove to be not to their liking which i feel just offering this opportunity with such a small change would only benefit hardcore in the long-term.

I would very much like to see this divide healed in this new era of PoE.
Innocence forgives you
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 3:10:23 AM
I mostly approve of moving "dead" HC League characters to the SC League as that has always made the most sense to me.

I would hope (?) GGG has a reason for moving dead HC characters to Standard ... I don't know what that would / could be though.
its a fair point.

i dont rly see any significant downside and it would make hardcore more appealing which can only be a good thing imo.

yeah +1 why not?

as an observation for the sake of debate, one thing this would remove is the ability to play hardcore in order to farm league specific items and then intentionally rip them to standard to sell on the market early.

ive done that before, made some currency. does anyone care about this? personally even as someone whos done it i dont care about it.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
As someone playing only on HC for a decade, I can say that we, who are used to play HC (and not "just trying HC") don't care a thing about where the char goes after its death. If anything, we only use them for tests anyway.

That said, going to SC league would allow us to test league mechanics on dead characters. On the other hand, it would flood SC league with powerful items coming from dead HC chars. It could potentily break its economy. Also, we wouldn't have access to currency to buy things fastly for testing something on SC league, while we can have currency and items from previous league on SC standard.

If you think that it would improve the experience for those "testing HC", sure, go for it, but, as my experience can tell, players with this kind of mentality don't really stick on HC. IMAO they would be better starting direct on SC in my opinion instead of frustasting them selves on HC.

*Sorry about any english mistake, not a native speaker.
DEvil27#6183 wrote:
As someone playing only on HC for a decade, I can say that we, who are used to play HC (and not "just trying HC") don't care a thing about where the char goes after its death. If anything, we only use them for tests anyway.

That said, going to SC league would allow us to test league mechanics on dead characters. On the other hand, it would flood SC league with powerful items coming from dead HC chars. It could potentily break its economy. Also, we wouldn't have access to currency to buy things fastly for testing something on SC league, while we can have currency and items from previous league on SC standard.

If you think that it would improve the experience for those "testing HC", sure, go for it, but, as my experience can tell, players with this kind of mentality don't really stick on HC. IMAO they would be better starting direct on SC in my opinion instead of frustasting them selves on HC.

*Sorry about any english mistake, not a native speaker.

International forum, No worry's on your English :)

We aren't all likely to agree on this topic but i want to say thank you for your input as a HC player, It is extremely valuable.

I personally play in the Standard-Challenge-League since incursion but from 2013 til that point i was exclusively a Standard player, When i speak to friends about this change we often talk about starting everyone out in hardcore to see how far we can get.

Its received well by people who would NEVER play hardcore and the bonus that people who play in their home league are at least on level footing with people from other leagues when it comes time to sell those items in standard.

Some people though i doubt too many these days would play the challenge league to make money and bring it home to standard (such as myself) though eventually i stopped doing that "specifically" but mostly due to my friends all being in the temp leagues exclusively these days.

Now there is one downside to it that groups of people playing hardcore would be separated upon deaths of any given individual, perhaps that wouldn't be fun for some people but at the same time the last "exile" standing is a league tradition i want to start with my friends :)

Here's to hoping <3
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Jan 27, 2025, 9:03:20 AM
Not sure if OPs suggestion would make a big difference, honestly. Maybe it would make it even harder for some people to get into HC. Hear me out:

If I'm a SC player starting a HC character knowing there is this safety net of SC league, I don't think I would really adapt to the HC playstyle. I would maybe make some half hearted attempt, rip in early maps, say "oh well, at least I tried" and continue in SC. I did try HC for the first time myself in Settlers and learned that you have to take it seriously in order to succeed. Coming from SC, having the safety net of my SC comfort zone would not have helped with adapting.

But say you are really dedicated and don't care about the safety net. In this case you will most likely still consider the character to be truly dead once you rip. Continuing in SC would feel kind of meaningless when the whole time you were so focused on not dying.

At least that's my take on it. YMMV as always :)
Not sure if OPs suggestion would make a big difference, honestly. Maybe it would make it even harder for some people to get into HC. Hear me out:

If I'm a SC player starting a HC character knowing there is this safety net of SC league, I don't think I would really adapt to the HC playstyle. I would maybe make some half hearted attempt, rip in early maps, say "oh well, at least I tried" and continue in SC. I did try HC for the first time myself in Settlers and learned that you have to take it seriously in order to succeed. Coming from SC, having the safety net of my SC comfort zone would not have helped with adapting.

But say you are really dedicated and don't care about the safety net. In this case you will most likely still consider the character to be truly dead once you rip. Continuing in SC would feel kind of meaningless when the whole time you were so focused on not dying.

At least that's my take on it. YMMV as always :)

Safety net? Going to standard is even "safer" you just can't continue challenge progression and if we go down that route there's no hardcore specific challenges so it doesn't even mechanically make sense.

The only upside for keeping it how it is right now in objective reality i see only benefiting those who are purely focused on reigning in profits from this (system that is 100% being abused) which shouldn't be a thing.

Not only that but this encourages people to buy items in HC and then take them to standard.. Please try to see my pov that this is much more destructive in its current state to hardcore and has been damaging it for a very long time.

Also standard-challenge-league would not be hurt in any way by hardcore players selling their gear should they even have the time and energy to do it.

If someone wants to say its less destructive to send them to Standard well i disagree as someone who used to be a standard player who went to the leagues to bring money home i was sorely disappointed to find out that most of the people with a lot of money had already purchased the "perfect" items i obtained and waited the entire league to return home and sell.

That's not fair is it?

And then we can get into the standard>hardcore standard>hardcore-challenge trading which GGG did not say is banned but discouraged, They literally made a specific statement about it in the past (presumed disclaimer) I would have to go dig it up if it even still exists but the whole thing stinks. xD


Closing Statement:
just make the items un-tradeable, send them to wherever you want.

this works even better, people who want to test still can, they just cant exploit the mechanic to make money.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Jan 27, 2025, 12:11:46 PM
GGG have made it clear countless times that they don't care one bit for Standard economy. Heck, they did the exalt-divine swap without notice. That's how little they care. And that's how it should be mo. The development focus is on challenge leagues, so that's what they care about most. Standard is only a convenience for people who don't want to re-build every 3-4 months.

If you do want to make bank selling your league items in Standard then I guess the price of entry to this "market" is playing HC in league. Beat the SC plebs to it.

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