Bhalak Skyseer (Bird Boss, Trial of Chaos) Too Unfair

Brother and I are playing co-op. Found his whirlwind and intermission phase abilities to be too difficult. We've enjoyed the difficulty up until now, but that was just too much. Note - we picked trialmaster affixes which wouldn't make the boss harder. It was just the boss.

Mechanics were un-dodgable, and the damage was too high to recover from. We were also level 44 (going into the trial zone, which is 38). 6 levels of outleveling should trivialize the content...
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 12:40:48 PM
its even worse on the end game version surprised there is no nerf in the upcoming patch
Yeah I'm not sure what you are supposed to do when the tornado starts. It's faster than me (even with 38% movement speed) and just moves directly on top of me, killing me within a second.

The only way I could beat the trial was to die until I got the chimera boss.
They need to make it one pinnacle boss, not having to cycle through 3 (i think?) different ones. On top of all the rando stacking mods. This whole method isn't trial of chaos. Its a trial of masochists. Would be nice if there was at least something that was static in this feckin thing. for streams.
+1 Very unfair fight.

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