Proposal for a new trade system.
The trade system between console and pc has always been a bit of a controversial issue with a lot of ours is better then yours arguments. But why choose one or the other? why not combine both? As a player with 1k+ hours on PC and 4k+ on console (just where most of my friends happen to play) I have ample experience with both versions of the trading system and I feel both could benefit from systems the other has.
So to jump into this here is how how I envision this working, as well as my potential solutions for the issues it might face. 1. first how do we interact with this system? easiest answer here is just a new (or repurposed NPC with a trade window similar to the currency exchange. The npc could then pull item data the same way the poe trade does and list the items you wish to view after messing with a variety of simple drops down menus or check boxes same as you would on the trade site to filter the items to exactly what you wish to see. 2.How does this work from a sellers perspective? for the seller ideally you would list the item in your tab as normal and the item would now be searchable in game. 3.What new features should we expect from combining the two? first a buyout option. Implementing buyout would go a long way to solving price fixing. Its been mentioned by many over the years and this is the perfect opportunity to make it a reality. As for the technical side of it I wouldn't imagine it would be to much harder then -1 from the sellers inventory and +1 to the buyers for the items unique code same with the currency. Of course I don't have any background in this so it may be over simplified but I'm sure its still with in the realm of reason. When an item does sell through buyout the currency and item respectively should be claimable from the npc rather then direct deposited, as that well be a form of insurance to let players know that yes that they received what they paid for as well as making a digital log on GGG's side that that can check should any errors arise. 4. Another thing that should be carried over this time from the console side is haggling, and yes i know it exists on pc as well but not quite in the same way, let me explain. Haggling should go something like this. You see an item you want for 50ex but the next guy is selling one with slightly different rolls for 40 but you really need the 50 one to make your build work. You should be able to offer say 45 to the individual in an offers received screen (this would be managed and viewable by the npc) were someone could then choose to claim the offer (there by claiming the currency and losing the item aka sending it to the buyer) or reject the offer returning the full amount. These offers should be combined with the existing whisper system sending the offered amount, the sellers original asking price, and item offered on, to the seller as well as any direct message the buyer wishes to convey. The message should also be viewable from the npc, because if your like me you miss a lot of those whispers because your simply to focused on other things. If the item sells while an offer is up the offer should automatically be rejected and funds returned to the player. In summery I truly feel this would majorly streamline and better the over all player experience both for PC and console players while taking the best of both systems that certainly have there own individual pros and cons and carrying over only the best aspects to make something worthy of POE2. Of course like anything these are just my feelings on the matter if anyone disagrees or would like to add anything to this system please feel free as the goal here is to create a trade experience as close to ideal for everyone as we can get. Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 8:39:28 PM
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