Mercenary + Cold ---- Where is the damage?



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I was doing great until the last zone and all of the sudden Gargoyles take many shots to kill.

Then I entered the A1 manor and everything was taking 4-6 + shots to kill.

The most damaging skill on me is permafrost bolts.
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 3:52:16 PM
I think its because the gargoyles are armored so they have tons of damage mitigation.
Permafrost bolts is not a DPS ability. Neither is ice shards. You use them to freeze enemies and then you shatter them with fragmentation rounds.
Permafrost bolts is not a DPS ability. Neither is ice shards. You use them to freeze enemies and then you shatter them with fragmentation rounds.

This. I just turned level 42, with level 10 Permafrost/Fragmentation bolts and no Support gems.

Cold damage is pretty lackluster. It's mainly for freezing enemies and shattering them.

Glacial Bolt makes it a lot easier when you have access to it.

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