IMO monk is just not fun anymore.
As the title says.
I have had no difficulty with monk, there is just so little choice that it feels generic and boring to play. Below are examples. 1) Other classes like the ranged ones can spam spells such as comet for the simple cost of mana, meaning they can be much .ore efficient on their tree.... monk however not only gets punished with hight mana costs but also the requirement on most of its main dps skills to use charges. This means more points allocated simply to use these skills which are still not as strong and the likes of sorcerer and ranger. Also lets not forget, some wise guy decided to make half of the monks skills lightning...... WITH NO WAY TO BUILD ELECTRIFY WITHOUT TAKING A 40% DPS HIT. So, that leaves frost and enflame.... and fire damage fot monk is sparse to say the least. 2) The actual fun abilities on monk are locked behind terrible dps or CHARGES. For example, i cant use charged staff and flicker strike on the same build simply because they outright delete the charges on use, meaning you can only efficiently use 1 with the perpetual charge support gem.... and even then it still feels tedious to build charges. When initially building monk i wanted to use the whirlwind ability... yeah it has so little dps that i cant even find a build on it.... another potentially fun skill down the drain. All this while other classes get free reign with their skills. Oh as for the rest.... how would you like a palm strike? How about a lightning palm strike?.... a curse palm strike? A wind palm strike??? Come on man, have some variation! 3) trigger skills getting nerfed has essentially ruined any chance to make fun combos with the class. 4) Respec to ice skills you say? Yeah im not farming 500k gold to potentially brick a build that is working fine, im talking about having FUN while i play the game, every other ranged class has the ability to fire off flashy attacks all while staying out of most combat. Monk? No, you gotta get up in the enemies faces, fighting with targeting and the terrain constantly getting your character stuck and then dealing with every other enemy dropping damaging pools, bombs or straight up killing you after death eith a virtually unaviodable martydom. Again, ranged classes can just sit back and avoid all of this, enemies that leave behind forms of damage ONLY screw over melee. Conclusion - yeah idk monk just feels boring, the skills feel unintuitive and all the fun ones are locked behind requirements which other classes dont even need to worry about. My entire campaign has consisted of spam RT for the 4 hit lightning combo, potentially spend all of my charges to charge staff.... spam RT again, maybe place a bell down if its a boss or rare enemy.... spam RT again.... because if i stray from this setup, i get punished. Charges are the main punishment, from what i can see, no other class has as many skills locked behind charges which seriously limits what you can do. If i wanted to use a mage i can virtually use any skill i want and all i need to spec into is mana, even ones that really should have a charge cost like COMET! I also tried using meta skills like cadt on freeze but they charge so slowly and then only fire off 1 skill before they recharge again.... Makes it kinda pointless when ive already killed all of the mobs i wanted to use the meta skill on..... Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 11:36:09 PM
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I was getting annoyed with charges until using profane ritual which is exceptionally easy to get my 6 power charges in between a mob pack every few to keep up charged staff constantly. Depending on the build i'd give that a try.
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Ill take a look, thank you.
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Thats the thing with all melee well the two lol... that it deosnt get good till around 45/50, with monk i got to 50 and got the main gems/skills for my build, thing is since were in early access, builds are constantly changing, i usually wait a month or two even when seasons starts in games like this before i go for a build.... i picked invoker/wave lightning / hybrid build up to 45/50 till i got most the gems i needed/leveled up to do what another build i was following, its almost there lol.. but its draining in general playing melee or the game in general... the movement sucks.... the main skill/gem is orb of storms than can twirl lighting waves in front of you pretty much non stop... than once you get combat frenzy and blashempy, than the build even gets better than in combo with some other skill gems... the build is pretty dam good, thing is the time to level and get the gear as well... but monk doesnt suck its just the movement over all for melee sucks and also the fact the builds will change constantly which sucks respecking in general.... on top of most things can 1 shot you in general it does get draining .. once i got done with cruel difficulty with my monk iam done for awhile playing lol..... ill start a ranger eventually but i can see many people will start one class and thats it... from the game not to friendly to new comers that respec is alot of gold.. alot of people wont play that much or just be put off by it...
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
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Yeah im not new, just very unimpressed with how many of the nerfs specifically screw over melee users when melee already gets screwed over enough already.
Im using charged staff/ bell combo but slowly making tye change to ice since its easer to scale. My main complaint is that, rathee than giving themonk fun skills like sorcerer, ranger etc, the monk gets some fun skills but they are either locked behind charges (Which are not fun to build and waste so many skill points) or are just outright awful abilities like the whirlwind ability monk can use. It could be fun if it didnt dwal the damage of a pool noodle. |
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Yeah, they in general besides skills for melee characters need to work on the mobility of all the classes, really thought theyd work on it from poe1 but good god power walk dodge with all the classes suck, so i could only imagine the other 6 classes once released , let me guess power walk and dodge, ..... also whats the point of some builds and skills when most arent even going to be used lol... but iam rambling lol..... maybe they just need to tone down the game difficulty at least for early release and just make it fun ....
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
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Yeah they just released some patch notes for an upcoming update, its looking good but i just hope they dont nerf ice too much since im running shock/ice monk.
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