POE2 Witch - Corpse Skill on Left Click - Can't pick up items if corpses around

This feels like a targeting priority issue. There is at least one wand "type" that has an innate corpse skill that is by default tied to the left click. There is also the ability to map any skill to the left mouse click. The problem is if there are any corpses around then the left click will interact with the corpses instead of picking up an item.

This is highly agitating when scrambling to a good item drop to try and save it in the off chance you die... because loot disappears but that's a whole other thing.
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 8:04:31 AM
Can verify. This happens if you slot "Unearth" to Left Click as well.
i still have this issue, anyone was able to find a solution?

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