Feedback Ps5 experience

I like the game so far but there are many things that needs to improve for it to be a great game, i have pc but i play on ps5 because 86" tv is nice for these type of games, can even see the UI

If you are going to sell the game to consoles it needs to run properly and look good
There are no excuses for this because diablo looks good and runs good on normal ps5

Loot is still bad in campaingn, you want slow long campaing but the rewards are not there, if you are going to put this much gambling and rng mechanics to the game then atleast give me plenty of currency to gamble with and dont adjust drop rates based on endgame juiced maps and broken builds that speedrun them.

I'm at act3 on cruel and 2 alchs have dropped from the whole campaign, and going back to town constantly to disenchant is boring and tedious thing to do

Monsters are mostly good and i like the bosses, again bosses need better rewards not just 1 rare rng crap item for them to feel rewarding to do

There are these monsters that drop poison cloud as they die and it's really boring to constantly wait until that cloud dissipates so i can loot or move, maybe shorter the duration of the clouds

Then there are these oneshot mechanics that you can't even see what happened, some shit just flies from offscreen and hits you on the knee and you are done, no way to play against that

Trials are bad okay, I have done 2 of them and that honor mechanic is bs, there are so many variables to play against like some bad internet spikes or low fps drops that gets you killed and failing the trial that you worked too long to end in some bad rng and it feels shit, it makes me want to not do them or not make new characters because why would you play without ascendancy, that is not fun gameplay, it can be fun and challenging if done right

Maps need way less backtracking i get the size of them because there will be alot of season mechanics later to fill those empty maps, maybe make them more open and less ant nest

And that canal valves map... not okay

Item trading on consoles needs to improve, i don't want to go pc or use phone outside of ps5 game, now it feels like playing ssf with bad drop rates

Item filter would be nice to even make the drops different color
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 6:12:14 AM

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