Alternative Monk Dodge roll suggestion

The Monk could benefit from a dodge roll modifier giving 2-3 charges of a shorter, faster dodge, particularly without the sluggish slow down at the end. I imagine this could be accessed similar to how blink is done (spirit gem), or it can be on the passive tree.

1. It would feel awesome as a natural fit into the Monk's playstyle.
The Monk has been an absolute blast to play so far with its unique dart in, dart out and set up of combos mix. One of the worst parts of his movement and move set however is the sluggish follow through on some abilities like staggering palm or siphon strike. While the dodge roll can be used to animation-cancel and avoid an attack, you cant cancel the 'toddler roll' (the slow-down then crawl-out part of the dodge roll animation.) The first part feels amazing. The end of it feels bad. While I appreciate that an active dodge needs some drawback or period of vulnerability for balance, This can be served through a cooldown.

2. It would fill a thematic gap.
Back to this damn toddler roll- It doesn't fit the class fantasy of the agile monk. A quick-step, fade-step or an acrobatic roll over a shorter distance and without the slowdown at the end of the animation would make the darting in and out smoother and reward players for skillful use.

3. It would naturally synergize with existing moves and open up Monk gameplay
Example with existing move: Lingering Illusion with this could yield power charges more quickly but could be even harder to use right. Opening up gameplay: When Monk uses a palm move, siphon strike or any move with a leap backward, you can cancel this movement and instead short- directional dash then use another ability more quickly than if you had done a toddler roll.

I generally hope to see more dodge roll modifiers as it's a core part of the game but it can use some poe-spice.

Last bumped on Feb 7, 2025, 7:08:39 AM

Something like a Dash for Monk

Shield Rush-like movement speed increase which pushes away enemies for Warrior, this will also solve a lot of issues Warrior has. Cancelling dodge midway will just stop the movement boost.

Blink for sorceress/Witch

An escape shot like dodge alternative for the Ranger/Mercenary will suit much better.

I think these will give each character a unique identity and help them in their specific gameplay styles.
??? What's a Monk? What's a Dodge Roll?
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