Iron Reflexes and % evasion increase

Hello, as it stands at the moment % evasion increase happens after converting the rating to armour with Iron Reflexes Keystone resulting in no increase as it has nothing to go off. Therefore hybrid nodes of armour and evasion increase work for armour only. It's the oposite in PoE1. Not sure if intended, could anyone clarify? Thank you, keep it up.
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 11:17:30 AM
This is working 100% as intended. All conversions happen before % increases are applied in PoE2.
I would like to bump this topic, because as it stands Iron Reflexes does not synergize at all with the merc/duelist area of the tree. It even is placed like a trap since it is placed right next to the big armor/evasion cluster at the bottom of the tree.

Maybe it should have an extra condition of "Gain increased armour rating equal your increased evasion rating"?
I found out that Iron Reflexes does not work with buff Wind Dancer at all.

1) Without both, I have
4023 armour and 2649 evasion

2) I turn on Wind dancer and get
4023 armour and 4557 evasion

3) With node taken, I get
7698 armour and 0 evasion - so some increases are works

4) But when I turn on both, I still have the same
7698 armour and 0 evasion

So, this 18 * 4 evasion increase apllied AFTER conversion, not before
Gelovor#7521 wrote:
I found out that Iron Reflexes does not work with buff Wind Dancer at all.

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