can't find chance to ignite, shock and freeze

Maybe i am just blind (quite likely) but i can't find my chance to ignite and shock. Anyone who now where to find that?

I don't know how much ignitechance i should skill in the passive skilltree.
Last bumped on Feb 5, 2025, 4:32:23 AM
Anywhere between 0 and 400%. I'm not joking.

Ignite in PoE2 uses a threshold limit like Stun. You have to hit with enough fire damage to meet that threshold to Ignite the target which is different base on the target.

The ratio is 1% to their 4%. % of what? It doesn't say. In theory if you do enough damage to fill 2% you'd need 100% ignite to cause the ailment. The more Fire damage you do, the less ignite chance you need and thus trying to manually trigger ignite is pointless.

Basically if you do enough Fire damage to ignite a target they're either dead or nearly dead. Unlike Freeze or Shock which lasts for multiple hits, Ignite is 80% of one hit over 4 seconds.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
thank you very much!
I hope your sleeves never get wet when you wash your hands and that you get good loot :D
Xzorn#7046 wrote:
Anywhere between 0 and 400%. I'm not joking.

Ignite in PoE2 uses a threshold limit like Stun. You have to hit with enough fire damage to meet that threshold to Ignite the target which is different base on the target.

The ratio is 1% to their 4%. % of what? It doesn't say. In theory if you do enough damage to fill 2% you'd need 100% ignite to cause the ailment. The more Fire damage you do, the less ignite chance you need and thus trying to manually trigger ignite is pointless.

Basically if you do enough Fire damage to ignite a target they're either dead or nearly dead. Unlike Freeze or Shock which lasts for multiple hits, Ignite is 80% of one hit over 4 seconds.

Then how do we know how many increase shock chance that we have?
Xzorn#7046 wrote:
Anywhere between 0 and 400%. I'm not joking.

Ignite in PoE2 uses a threshold limit like Stun. You have to hit with enough fire damage to meet that threshold to Ignite the target which is different base on the target.

The ratio is 1% to their 4%. % of what? It doesn't say. In theory if you do enough damage to fill 2% you'd need 100% ignite to cause the ailment. The more Fire damage you do, the less ignite chance you need and thus trying to manually trigger ignite is pointless.

Basically if you do enough Fire damage to ignite a target they're either dead or nearly dead. Unlike Freeze or Shock which lasts for multiple hits, Ignite is 80% of one hit over 4 seconds.

Then how do we know how many increase shock chance that we have?

If you have +100% Chance to Shock then it's 2% instead of 1% but far as the real chance based on damage you deal there's no information. Shock specifically is also now binary. It either applies at full strength or not at all. Unlike Ignite though, it's a total damage multiplier so it's useful.

Chill is weird and oddly easy to apply but freeze works the same way.

Shock and Freeze are worth investing in for Hits because the effect is in total. You Shock and get 20% more damage to all damage. Freeze the mobs can't move giving free hits and safety.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
in game, where can i find my total chance to shock? shouldnt it be on the skill status?
There is no total chance to apply any ailment thats why there is no indicator for that. Ratio depends on enemy's ailment threshold vs your penetration and your total damage of that related ailment type (shock for lightning etc) vs target's hp.

If you invest on skills like "15% increased shock chance" in passive tree that will lower the damage and condition requirements for you to inflict shock with your hits against enemies.

So this game doesnt calculate your ailment chance on a certain fixed rate thats why there is no indicator for that. For example It is easy to inflict ailments against normal enemies and its getting harder when rarity goes up.
thats why there is no indicator for that.

Sorr for reviving maybe dead thread, but now I'm playing in PoE2 and I'm new to this game (previously spent 1000 hours in Grim Dawn). But for me that's strange that there's no statistic like "Total +% to increased shock chance" or "Total +% to lightning damage" etc.

I see your point, but there would be cool if this statistic would be in the game, 'cause i.e. I have 5-10 nodes that are "+% to increased chance to shock", I'm investing like crazy in those nodes, but maybe I have +1000% already and would like to stop at +250% but I don't know current numbers.

As example stats screen from Grim Dawn:


P.S. AFAIR there's even no stat for your current move speed...But maybe I'm mistaken.

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