Bring back the crafting bench

Please introduce the crafting bench from POE. It was perhaps very complicated to craft end game gear, but you could also do simple crafts that were super usefull.
I dont understand why you would remove this amazing tool that was in POE. I know POE2 is its own game, and you want to do something new. But i would hope you could bring along some of the best features of POE into POE2, and the crafting bench was one of them.
Also some simple vendor recipes would be very usefull during leveling phase. The ability to use the phys weapon recipe was so helpful for leveling in POE, would love to see it in POE2.
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 10:55:20 PM
Yep i feel the same. I feel like i had more control on crafting with the crafting bench, like, i have a prefix open and i need life ? Perfect, i will just had it. It was so much better... Like, now i feel like the rng is stronger and less fun

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