Areas are beautiful

They are. Some areas, after clearing, I've just been walking around to look.

The size of the areas is good, they feel huge now but that leaves room for many mechanics and with good movement speed the traversal time feels much better. Took a bit to get used to.

Cheers for the graphics :-)
Did you try turning it off and on again?
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 4:56:16 AM
+1 on that one.

Even had some partymembers unpack their camping equipment, start fishing and marvel at the envoirment in the middle of a special combat zone.

The only obstacle which interfered with that was the Timegate (missing waypoint in act4 beach --> partyinvite to fasttravel out of jail)
my fav is entering into act 2. THAT RED SAND!
The Maraketh burial sites was where I was staring. Act 1 was familiar European architecture that much fiction uses, Act 2 explored less familiar architecture.
AintCare#6513 wrote:
my fav is entering into act 2. THAT RED SAND!

It's awesome, isn't it? Act 2 scenery really is stunning.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Yeah, it's looking absolutely insane. Lighting is also crazy good. If I could have one point for improvement; more breakable terrain. When I'm casting 20000 fireballs in a graveyard, some gravestone should surely break. Grim Dawn does this very good, every single screen has so much breakable stuff. It really makes the areas feel alive.
The amount of detail in the rocks, walls and statues just scattered around the game is crazy. It's actually a shame the optimal way to play is fully zoomed out you miss how good some of this stuff looks up close.

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