Insane performance issues in PoE 2
Wasn't PoE 2 made so they could fix all the performance issues of PoE 1? because currently my performance on 2 is worse than 1. Breaches tank my FPS to 20 from 144 and being in town is absolutely impossible. Also a lot of micro stutters just about everywhere in waystones, none of the issues gets fixed by any settings or tinkering being done.
2060 super 5600x 32gb ram running at 1920x1080 with dlss on performance with vulkan but same issues on dx12. Sp00ky scary skeltal Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 10:42:43 PM
Sp00ky scary skeltal
agreed. breach brings me to 15 fps. rare on death explosion tanks me to 26 fps. needs a lot of looking at.