Things that are killing the game for me

I'm playing Monk and I'm at the end of act 2. So far there are a few things that are really frustrating me and I really would like them to change.

Being restricted to only a single support gem of a certain type. Why this was implemented I truly don't understand. I should be able to use the same gem for every skill if I want just like poe. Not being able to use faster attack and instead just not using a support gem at all is bad design.

Melee needs a massive buff. I don't know what you need to do but it's just not any fun at all when every single worthless little mob can push you around and stun or stagger you and interrupt your skill set. I get that you want the game hard and I like the difficulty but this isn't difficult it's simply not fun to play.

Respec cost is beyond outrageous and it needs to be removed completely especially when you're, understandably, changing skills everyday. Even when launch is done it should not even be half of what it is now. This one in particular made me log out last night. When I want to change 5 skills and it costs me the entire amount of gold I've gathered since I started there is a problem. This needs to be done now.

I love the direction of the game. It's a little too slow still but I understand why you want it that way and all in all it's good. The bad things though are in the way of it being great.
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 4:18:36 PM
EA for a reason chief give them time
I agree on the respec cost.
To me, the fun part of the game is experimenting, failing, improving, and iterating on my build.
If I have to follow a guide because respec is too time-consuming, it removes all the fun of this type of game.
Last edited by zaji#4198 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:27:52 PM
EA for a reason chief give them time

Yep I'm with ya. Hopefully the tone didn't come off too harsh lol. I think they'll get it right in the end but if we don't voice concerns then they won't know. Hope the Respec cost happens quick though that one is easy to do! Good luck to ya.
I completely agree. It's even worse because of constant skill changes. I know they're going to change stuff all the time being ea but at least they could make it easier on us by making the respec easier too.
For EA, respec should be heavily reduced by at least 50%, but not free or the game will end up just like diablo 3 where no decisions mattered at all because the devs were so high on their own farts about "modern game design."
I really do not like that respecs are so heavy handed.

Also agree with the major dumbing down the game, as it is now, I can choose 1 of 2 or maybe 3 build paths that everyone else has to take, because we no longer have any true build diversity, compared to POE 1.

Not being able to use the same support gem in multiple skills is game killer for me, and its just not fun like POE 1. It feels like a very watered down version with no actual improvements.

I understand they want to make the animations look really good for each weapon, maybe get their animation team to focus for 6 months on developing many more animations for weapons that can and should have more diversity, so that other "classes" can actually use those weapons without hinderance based on many of the skill gems that are limited by weapon type.

I really hope they take our feedback to heart and spend the needed time to make vast improvements across the board, starting with immediately lowering the respec costs to a fraction of what it costs now.

It's early access, and they want to keep patching to the game, great! Give us the means to really test and respec without breaking the bank.

As it is now, I can choose to respec, or I can choose to gamble for more gear, but I cannot do both.

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