Trial of Chaos Boss Bahlak the Sky Seer

There is no problem completing the trial unless I get unlucky enough to get this boss. He has a tornado move that instantly deletes my character (sitting at 60% pdr 20% eva and 1k life) and it doesn't seem to have a tell or a "wind up". I stayed after the death to watch the move as well and see how "possible" it would be for me to avoid it and the tornado takes up about 1/4 of the arena, moves quickly and spawns mini tornados as well. I think this boss specifically on the tornado move needs some tuning.
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 12:38:29 PM
Lvl 89, all resists 75% except chaos, 2000hp + 2500es, 72% evasion rating and I die in seconds in that tornado. And even after you manage to survive it - boss starts using almost unreadable aoe full arena skills that kill me in seconds while I try to dodge. I can't event do some damage. This is totally broken. You either kill it before it starts tornado, or die...
My strat for sky seer thus far has been:


FR this guy is overtuned af.
One cannot help but wonder how such a lust for loot can affect a persons mind. Although these exiles appear to be our salvation, it would not take much for them to turn on us as easily as they fight gods and demons.

I got unlucky enough to face him 6 times in a fking row.

I'd be happy if he was simply deleted from the game at this point.
+1 Such an annoying boss
+1 It's a cheap overtuned boss.

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